Category Technology

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CNC Machine Pros and Cons

CNC Machine

Automation has been a real boon for industries like manufacturing. CNC metal cutting is one the machines that can save you heaps of money and time when it comes to creating professional-quality work.  CNC machines are machines that can manufacture…

Create the Next Pinball with a Mobile App

Mobile App

Successful mobile apps are digital products that typically provide a service or experience that other mobile apps don’t or that provide a service or experience better than similar, competing apps do. Digital products are intangible goods that come in digital…

Seven ways How Tech Took off from the Last Decade

tech took off

While we’velonged for long-lasting batteries in our smartphones, it is easy to gloss over more significant leaps in technological development. If you review the past decade, you’ll notice tremendous leaps in technological growth in various industries. The shift from 3G…

Has MDM Become a Necessity for Companies?


With the introduction of several new technologies, organizations found it difficult to manage and secure their data. In the past two decades, MDM has been the life savior for companies, which has helped manage the data within and outside the…