Amazon ERC Number and Information

Amazon ERC Number

The Amazon ERC number is (888) 892-7180. The Employment Resource Center (ERC) should contact Amazon Human Resources with any questions. However, if someone has a job or a return offer and is looking for information, they can request an HR…

Zomm Wireless Leash: Bluetooth Speakerphone


Daniel Bell is determined not to lose his iPhone and tests the Zomm wireless leash. This triggers an alarm when removed from a Bluetooth-connected phone. Zomm Wireless Leash alerts you when you leave your phone and works as a speaker…

Ultimate Fixes – Can’t Download Files on Windows

Can’t Download Files on Windows

Can’t Download Files on Windows It is very common that users download files or applications via browsers as almost everything can be found and downloaded from internet easily. However, users can’t download files successfully due to various reasons sometimes. This…

An Overview of Executive Protection

Executive Protection

An executive protection program is a security component in many places: business, government, entertainment, sports, wealth, and other areas. Our main perspective in this book is business. It is for this reason that we use the term CEO when referring…