What Is Laser Coaching?

Laser Coaching

Last Updated on July 17, 2024 by Team Experts

If you want to start your own business or get an extra boost for your business, you may be wondering what exactly Laser Coaching is. If you have never heard of this method, read on to discover the benefits and costs. Plus, we’ll give you the lowdown on the Practicum. Then, you’ll be ready to start building your business with this new method. You’ll be glad you read this article. You can look up the laser-focused coaching program from life coaching group as well for more information.


If you’re looking for an effective way to move forward with your project, you may wonder whether Laser Coaching is right for you. With the help of laser therapy, a qualified coach can help you identify blind spots, identify the following steps, and hold you accountable for your progress. Unlike other methods of coaching, this method is unlimited. Before you schedule a session, you should be clear about the results you want to achieve.

As a small business owner or self-employed professional, you know that time is precious. Your time is the most valuable resource, so it is essential to maximize its use. Allows you to promptly get to the heart of your client’s challenge. The coach can uncover insights more quickly and efficiently by focusing on the person and their story. A coach can maximize their time while achieving lasting change by focusing on the individual.


The cost of laser coaching is usually $997 for one year of unlimited 15-minute calls. This includes a series of homework assignments for the client. Some coaching courses are free, and others are very inexpensive. However, laser coaching is worth every penny. It helps people create permanent changes in their lives and increases their confidence. Laser coaching is ideal for professionals with high-stress or demanding jobs. If you’re considering laser coaching for yourself or your company, read more about how this innovative technique can benefit you.

Laser coaching is excellent for business owners and professionals who struggle to get through their daily “to-do” lists. However, even experienced business owners can benefit from this coaching program. If you’ve had coaching in the past and have fallen off the path to success, laser coaching could help you re-establish your habits. A high-quality laser coaching program will help you achieve the success you’ve always wanted. You’ll learn how to achieve your goals and create a more successful business in no time.


The availability of laser coaching is highly dependent on the needs of the individual. A single session may last as little as an hour or as long as an entire day. Coaching is also available over video chat platforms. Individuals who want to dig deep into their business may be more comfortable completing Laser coaching sessions in person. Laser coaching is a good step toward creating a life that you love. It can help you simplify 35 ADA codes, streamline bloodless and topical procedures, and improve your business operations.

Laser coaches can help you identify your technique flaws and give you the keys to a successful laser procedure. Optimal laser treatment has led to over 90% cavity preps without anesthesia and very little postoperative pain. The learning curve associated with laser use is steep, but a laser coach can accelerate the process. However, it is not a necessity in every situation. Nevertheless, it can be a valuable asset in the correct position.


The Practicum for laser coaching is a hands-on, multidisciplinary course that teaches the latest technologies and procedures. The study also covers clinical leadership, business practices, and retention of your client base. A manual and PP slide deck are provided for course attendees. A CD with supporting forms is also available. Bozana Skojo has over 20 years of experience providing the highest level of aesthetic service. She is a published author and has worked with celebrities, including Jie and Nelly Furtado.

Educators are under constant pressure. They need to balance home and work while staying safe. In these circumstances, a laser-focused coaching method can help them see a clear path and steps. The Practicum for laser coaching includes one hour per week of training, case studies, role-playing, and six ICF-approved continuing education credits (CCEUs).

Getting started

The ‘Get Started’ process for Laser Coaching is straightforward. Regardless of the type of Laser you’re interested in; there’s a course that will get you started. You can enroll in Laser Coach Your Way to Success or a stand-alone system like the Laser Coach Practicum. You’ll practice laser coaching during this course and receive six ICF-approved Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for four sessions.

Typically, clients meet with a laser coach for one to two 30-minute sessions. Each session brings a single problem they want to solve or initiate. A laser coach helps them identify the following steps to take. During each session, the laser coach will help them decide which action to take. Usually, is best suited for people who don’t have time for lengthy sessions but can accommodate a busy schedule.

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