Telegram has an engaged audience, more than half of subscribers can read new posts immediately after they have been posted. How can it be useful? The effectiveness of advertising in Telegram is 2 times higher than in other social networks if compared to FB and Instagram. In addition, significantly fewer investments are needed to make the channel popular. Telegram ads are becoming a working method of brand and service promotion.
Buying advertising on other Telegram channels or Telegram ads platform known as telegram advertising platform, you can make good money if you choose the right offer. This is connected, again, with the fact that the audience in the messenger is involved in the content and pays attention to each post of the author.
Telegram Ads Platform: What to Look for When Buying Advertising on Telegram?
There are many channels in the messenger, the administrators of which always want to sell advertising most profitably . Therefore, it is worth learning to determine which source will bring results like and which will not.
Here is the list of factors that should be taken into account when you choose telegram advertising:
- audience engagement (ERR). This is a ratio that shows the exact percentage of interested subscribers with content. On Telegram, it is usually the highest. The average value is 30%, but it can be even higher. The higher the ERR, the more effective the advertising will be;
- quality of subscribers. There are many scammers in the messenger who buy bots or a cheap audience “for quantity” on their platform. Advertising of a Telegram channel in such a source will not bring any results. Therefore, you need to learn how to identify the right sites;
- frequency of placement. Advertising in Telegram is most effective if the source publishes a new article once every 4-10 hours. However, it all depends on the theme of the channel. For example, on news resources, the audience is maximally involved, so posts there can be published every hour. The amount of ad also is limited to 1-3 times a day
These are the main indicators that are important when buying advertising on Telegram channels. You can use analytics services to analyze information. Among them, there are both paid and free services like It is worth considering each of them in more detail when you plan to advertise your channel.
One of the advantages of the advertisement on Telegram is the ability to deliver information in a targeted and timely manner. If the user joins the channel, he is definitely ready to perceive the content, since he came consciously and purposefully.
The main thing is not to publish too much, especially ads, not to overload the user. If there is a lot of content, you have to select the best. We now fast three to four times a day, but constantly monitor reactions and review strategy.
Audience preferences change and over time, if you post in the same format and abuse it with advertising, people stop responding. Previously, we did one or two posts a day, then we changed the approach and will change it further.
Final Word
It is possible to promote a channel for free, but it is long and difficult. Of course, in the case of a media personality, word of mouth can be an effective method, but in other cases, the increase in subscribers will be negligible and the only way to reach popularity is to advertise on Telegram.
It is simple, but expensive, to buy advertising on any Telegram advertising platform. Ordering an ad post directly without an intermediary is as profitable as it is risky. knows how to deal with it.
For these reasons, each channel owner chooses the most appropriate advertising strategy for himself – a telegram ads platform or other instruments. But the main rule remains unchanged – it is necessary to make a high-quality product, then the increase from advertising will be noticeable.
Also read about: Advertising on Facebook and Instagram