4 Standout Trends To Know If You’re Pursuing a Business Degree Online

Business Degree Online

Last Updated on July 14, 2024 by Team Experts

Are you thinking about signing up for an online business degree program? Whether you’re interested in taking a few refresher courses, auditing a couple of beginner-level classes, or pursuing an entire certificate or degree online, entirely virtual business degrees have been on the rise and growing in popularity. This rapidly expanding educational area has several benefits to offer students, and if this is a route you’re interested in taking, you may want to learn more about the potential perks and current trends. Here are four of the most noteworthy trends you may observe while pursuing your business degree online.

1. Entirely Online Programs Are On the Rise and Can Offer Several Benefits

One trend that doesn’t show signs of stopping is the expansion of entirely online programs. Today, pursuing an online business education is more straightforward than ever, and may come with certain unique benefits such as:

  • A potentially lower cost than some traditional universities
  • Flexibility to schedule your classes and work around your everyday routine
  • Opportunities to improve your time management skills
  • Opportunities to connect with professionals in your field who live in other areas

2. Employers Are Seeking Practical, Applicable Skills More Than Ever

More and more business programs are placing an emphasis on teaching students practical workplace skills in addition to theory and textbook knowledge. This means that online students can pick up the applicable skills many employers seek, including:

  • Professional workplace communication skills
  • Industry know-how and hands-n experience
  • Signs of leadership
  • A consistently strong work ethic and a positive attitude
  • A willingness to work in teams
  • Good organizational skills
  • Skills with modern technology

3. More Degree Programs Are Offering Students Flexibility and Customization

Another interesting trend in the online business school world is the rise of flexibility and customization. For instance, more schools are accommodating adult students or part-time students. Many online universities may offer:

  • Hybrid degree programs
  • Entirely virtual programs
  • Variable course schedules, including both synchronous and asynchronous classes
  • Several different timelines to graduation, from extended part-time programs LINK to condensed, intensive, full-time programs
  • Options to add concentrations, specializations, minors, and certifications

4. Online Business Programs May Utilize Cutting-Edge Technology

Finally, many modern business programs utilize up-to-date and even cutting-edge technology to give students an optimal experience. Before you sign up for a program, you may want to research whether it offers students access to technology such as:

  • Online course platforms
  • Digital chat forums for students
  • Virtual office hours with professors and teaching assistants
  • Live streaming
  • Video and audio uploading
  • Online exams and homework assignments
  • Smartphone applications

Whether you aren’t able to make it to a physical campus location for your business education or whether you simply prefer the flexibility and ease of completing your courses online, online business degrees are on the rise and can often provide numerous benefits to students. If you’re considering starting a few classes or an entire degree program at an online business school, you may want to keep an eye out for these four standout trends. From offering cutting-edge technology to teaching practical skills and more, many online business programs could provide you with the education you’re looking for.


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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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