5 Tips You Must Implement to Make Your Instagram Profile Stand Out from the Rest

Instagram is evolving with time and so your brand needs to do the same. When it comes to the new and most recent IG features, they offer you a load of opportunities for using your uniqueness and creativity. Instagram is not simply about uploading images at a time and therefore, it becomes difficult for some businesses to adapt to this photo-sharing platform.

There are many new IG features such as creating a slideshow, using Instagram Stories and reaping the maximum benefits out of Boomerang.

According to an article published on Huffpost.com, there are numerous ways to garner more views on Instagram visuals. These include the use of popular and relevant hashtags, finding a niche, taking great pictures, the use of natural lighting, and more.

With numerous Instagram features for use, you can make your profile stand out from the rest. Here is how: Instagram profile tips:

1. Narrate a story through several accounts

Did you know that Instagram Stories help you to tag other Instagrammers with a URL going directly to their IG accounts? Several IG users make the most of this feature to offer shoutouts to their preferred Instagram profiles. Then, a couple of users are making it important while clicking on that URL or link. People can use each other’s respective audiences or followers to build their follower count.

For example, you can share a short video clip in 10 parts, interchanging between each other IG stories. Every part needs to end on some cliffhanger, persuading viewers to visit the other person’s IG profile if they liked to see the ending or conclusion of the film or video.

In case, you do not want to make a film, you can leverage Instagram Story effectually to link it up with your friend or someone you know. This way, both of you can increase your followers while offering two unique perceptions of a similar event, which is one of the best ways of storytelling.

2. Make the most of slideshows

You don’t need to upload one picture for every post. On the contrary, IG provides you with multiple ways to publish photos on this social media app.

Make the most out of Instagram’s slideshow option that helps you to include as many as 10 images, videos, or for that matter, Boomerang to your post at one point in time.

Slideshows are of the unique, creative ways to post content on Instagram. This is more applicable when you post before and after pictures to create some wow factor. This kind of strategy is perfect for new repairs, haircuts, sunsets, weight loss, redecoration, and makeovers.

If you would like to create a truly stunning before and after impact, you must click pictures from the same angle, using similar editing tools on both photos.

3. Make the most of Boomerang to pique audience interest

Though Boomerang makes appear silly apparently, then a well-made loop can attract visitors to your IG post. The best Boomerangs are actions with a definite start and end that appear great when you rewind. A few cool examples of Boomerangs are a smart athletic move, jumping into a pool, a selfie with an overstated facial appearance, and dancing traffic.

All you need to do is download the Boomerang app and use its awesome features for iOS and Android. Again, when you press the camera sign on the left side of the mobile screen, which is usually used to add IG Story, you can make a Boomerang without having to download the application.

Choose the Boomerang feature at the screen base, make a video, and finally save the same to your camera roll and not sending to IG Story. Now, you can publish the content on your feed just as any other Instagram image or video.

4. Leverage visual chaining to make your feed look stunning

You use Instagram daily. You have often seen IG profiles that look impeccably perfect and each photo seems like coordinating flawlessly. You wondered how you can make your IG account look as attractive as these.

You can make your profile appealing by adhering to a specific theme or aesthetic, like using something like a visual chain. This method is based on how you plan your Instagram photos differently. You need to ensure that the overall impact is outstanding. Yes, it possible and you can do it. You need to think out of the box.

Whenever you upload a new Instagram image, focus on how the visual will look compared to your previous content and three posts before that. It’s called a visual chain to make your post look stunning and creative overall. If you would like to create a stunning impact, you need to put together images by content, color, as well as image orientation. It calls for some of your time and effort. Therefore, do not rush when you upload Instagram photos and videos.

5. Think unique using big square

You can use apps like Giant Square on Android and iOS, which helps in breaking one picture into a 3, 6, or 9-square grid. This feature makes your Instagram feed look awesome and unique from the rest.

Then, you need to remember that you need to upload every image at a time on Instagram, using the Giant Square method. It works best for landscape visuals, where every image would look great on its own.

When it comes to selfies, on the contrary, it would result in one image of a person’s nose being uploaded inexplicably. It is more applicable now because today IG feeds are algorithm-oriented and not chronological. Instagram Profile tips, If you can use this technique the right way, it will help you make your Instagram account stunning. Your feed will stand out from the rest. If you do not know how to use this big square method, do your research and look at feeds that use this strategy.


Instagram is a visual platform. Therefore, make sure that your content is outstanding. There is no place for mediocre, blurry photos on this platform. Use these tips to make your Instagram profile wow your audience.

Also read about: 6 Tips to Perfect your Social Media Presence

Anil Kondla
Anil Kondla

Anil is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable person who is a Technology evangelist. He's always been fascinated at work especially at innovation that causes benefit to the students, working professionals or the companies. Being unique and thinking Innovative is what he loves the most, supporting his thoughts he will be ahead for any change valuing social responsibility with a reprising innovation. His interest in various fields and the urge to explore, led him to find places to put himself to work and design things than just learning. Follow him on LinkedIn

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