Category Technology

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Best Nodejs Frameworks To Look For

Node.js is an open-source runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser that is cross-platform. It’s vital to remember that NodeJS isn’t a programming language or a framework. Most people are perplexed and believe it is a framework…

Technology Writing Prompts for Students

Technology writing prompts

If you have students who prefer technology to write, these writing prompts will be perfect for them! Innovation is so pervasive today that it’s difficult to envision our lives without it. This arrangement of innovation composing prompts for teenagers will…

How AI is Used in Security and Surveillance

How AI is Used in Security

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is increasingly playing a fundamental role in the security and surveillance industry. Already over 43% of the world’s countries are using AI technology for surveillance and security, including smart city platforms, facial recognition software, and smart…