Category Technology

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Top AI Trends To Watch Out For [2024]

AI Trends

One thing that proved to be strong and robust amidst the pandemic was – technology. On the top was AI or Artificial Intelligence, one of the biggest niches for innovations and further developments. Indeed, AI plays a crucial part in…

What is a Digital Twin?

digital twins

Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical devices that data scientists and IT professionals can use to run simulations before real devices are created and deployed. They also change the way we optimize technologies such as IoT, AI and analytics.…

How to Write an Effective Research Paper

How to write a research paper

Every high school student must be aware of the research paper. A research paper represents evaluative and analytical arguments resulting from research on a specific topic, presented in the form of an extended essay. Many students find writing a research…

How to make DIY robots with kids

how to make a robots at home

While human-type robots aren’t on our radar just yet, modern technology has reached the stage where making robots at home is perfectly feasible. While your home robot does not represent the highest technical design compared to today’s market, building simple…

IoT devices (Internet of Things devices)

IoT devices

IoT devices are non-standard computing devices that can connect wirelessly to a network and transmit data. Like many Internet of Things (IoT) devices. IoT involves extending your internet connection beyond standard devices, such as desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, to…