Category Apps

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How Low-Code Development is the Future of App Development

Low-Code Development

The evolution of software development tools, processes, and platforms continues. Utilizing low-code software development platforms, modern technology enables organizations to transform their business processes digitally. Low-code software solutions are non-code, interactive applications that require fewer than 200 lines of source…

Single Page Application vs Multi Page Application


Web apps are convenient to use, easy to update, and are not bound to any particular platform.  There are two main choices in web app development that are single-page and multipage web apps. When creating your web application, you encounter…

Top 5 Android Call Recording Applications

Android Call Recording

Call recorders are with us for a quite long time. Every mobile app development company built this feature in every mobile phone.  Who knows when a recorded call can save you from an uninvited threat? It’s a mobile application that…