Category How to

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How to Make an App like TikTok?

Make an App like TikTok

Everyone with a phone has heard of TikTok. So it comes as little surprise that TikTok has been downloaded three billion times from the App Store and Google Play Store, according to the latest data from research firm SensorTower. Most…

How to Turn Your TV into a Smart TV

how to turn your tv into a smart tv

Smart TVs have improved at-home enjoyment by allowing users to view streaming services such as Netflix, YouTube, Spotify, Hulu, and Amazon Prime without the need for additional cables or devices. However, if you don’t want to update your TV, you…

How to Become an App Developer

How to Become an App Developer

App development can be a fairly lucrative career pathway if you dedicate yourself to consistent personal study and experimentation. Many tech enthusiasts and STEM students are choosing careers in this emerging field because it offers plenty of job security, high…