

She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin
top 10 digital marketing companies in india

Top Digital Marketing Companies In India

The marathon of having the company’s name on the 1st page of Google started just with the internet’s initial phase. The Google algorithm provides the best results based on the keyword that you search. Every industry wants to rank on…

Automatic Call Distributor

A Complete Guide to ACD: Automatic Call Distributor?

An automatic call distributor (ACD) is a telephony system that routes the calls to best suited agents in the shortest time span possible. ACD helps the businesses streamline their inbound calling operations by predefining business rules and route each caller…