A Guide to Marketing Business on YouTube

Marketing Business on YouTube

Last Updated on July 14, 2024 by Team Experts

Finding creative and effective ways of marketing business on YouTube is not easy. As a company, you need to carefully consider the costs and benefits of your marketing campaign and ensure that you reach your target consumers where they are. In the modern business world, this means investing in online marketing. And video is arguably one of the most versatile and profitable forms of digital marketing. 

Here are some of the compelling reasons why you should include a YouTube strategy in your digital marketing plan: 

  • 67% of consumers are more likely to buy after watching a video explaining the product/service
  • 73% of adults in the U.S. use YouTube
  • 72% of consumers admit that they prefer learning about a product/service by watching a video rather than reading about it

While more and more companies are turning their focus to video marketing, few know how to go about it. It goes without saying that you need a place to host your videos where your followers can find them. Thus, your first step will be to create a YouTube channel for your business. 

Here is a brief guide on how to get started video marketing using YouTube:

1. Create a Google Account for Your Business

Since YouTube is owned by Google, you will need a Google account to use the platform. You need to set up a separate Gmail account for your business (don’t use your personal Gmail account) since others in the company may need to use it. Thus, create a new company Gmail account that you and your staff can access and use it to log in to YouTube and set up your channel. 

2. Customize Your Channel

Marketing business on YouTube, Take the time and effort to properly edit your profile and add banner images that are consistent with your overall branding. Keep your channel’s profile picture simple and easily recognizable since it will most likely be small on screen, particularly on mobile devices. Most companies choose to use their logo as their profile picture. 

Before settling on a banner image, be sure to test how it looks on different screen sizes including TV, mobile, and desktop. Fortunately, YouTube previews this for you when uploading a banner image. 

Just like your website and physical store location, how your banner looks will have a huge influence on how users initially perceive your business. Remember to edit the about section and add a featured video. The featured video offers a suitable avenue for introducing your company or promoting a product/service.

3. Acquiring a Custom URL

Unlike other platforms such as Facebook, you will find that you can’t select a custom URL when setting up a YouTube account (i.e. youtube.com/mycompany). However, you can do so after meeting certain criteria. 

4. Upload Videos

Once your company’s YouTube channel is up and running, you can start uploading your video content immediately. To upload a video, click on the video icon labeled “Create” located at the top of the page then select the “Upload Video” button. 

It is crucial that you incorporate relevant keywords for your videos to ensure that your videos get found by users. Also, consider adding a video title and description. Tip: Add keywords here and link back to your website or a particular product or service landing page in the description. 

Get Straight to the Point

It’s always a nice touch to have a friendly face in your videos, however, it is important to keep the facetime to a minimum. Don’t lose sight of why people are watching your videos. They want to learn more about a product, so focus more on the product and showcase its use and applications from multiple angles. 

If it is a software tutorial video, focus on the software screens. Trim out all the extra fat from your videos. Focus on providing value to your audience instead of wasting too much of their time. This way you achieve higher viewer satisfaction. For instance, avoid using long title sequences. 

Give it a Boost

Social media algorithms use different signals to understand how important a piece of content is. YouTube is exactly the same and YouTube views are a suggestion to YouTube that a video may be popular. You can buy YouTube views to help make the most of this part of the algorithm and give your chance a better opportunity of being seen. 

Group Your Videos into Playlists

Marketing business on YouTube, As the number of your uploaded videos continues to increase, you need to start organizing them. YouTube playlists let you put similar videos together. This will be very helpful to those watching your videos, especially if your channel has a range of product lines, service offerings, or multi-video tutorials.


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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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