Video is one of the easiest ways to communicate information quickly and efficiently. Pictures are a nice tool for beautiful presentation and quick ideas, but everyone from Google to Microsoft is content with videos as a direct way to deliver a new service or product. The reason for this is very simple: video gives more awareness than current types of marketing sources . The visual cues and audio information allow the viewer to perceive more, and with the increase in perception, this saves time and leaves good impressions. So let us know the most important methods of video marketing :
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1- Writing a video post is a good start to the promotion process, but it is not just a matter of just including a link to the video inside a post randomly. You must keep in mind while writing the post that the main goal of it is to get more views of the video and promote it more effectively. After writing the post, you must create the video inside it to compete efficiently with search engines, and to improve its appearance in the first results; This includes adding appropriate keywords, writing a clear summary of the video content
2- Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods , and it achieves the highest possible return on investment, along with video marketing . It provides an easy way to put the video in front of the eyes of your mailing list participants all at once. However, the video sharing process has to be done professionally
3- Sharing on social networks and before sharing, you must follow these instructions:
- * Thrill the audience with parts or mini clips of the video, then put the link for the complete video.
- * Pin the video to your brand’s Facebook page.
- * Tweeting about the video on Twitter, then installing the tweet after that, so that everyone who accesses the account on Twitter sees it first.
- * Post the video to the appropriate communities on LinkedIn and more
4- In every specific field or industry, there is a group of people called “influencers” and they are simply people who have a large number of followers who interact with them and respect their opinions; In one way or another, they have an impact on the audience, and these influencers can help you deliver the video to their large audience. The key is to find people involved in your product or service.
5- If you have a little extra budget, you can pay for promoting the video on social networks .. You can use different types of ads to achieve the best possible number of views.
What are the tips for success in video marketing?
Create the content people want to watch
Videos are flowing to all social networks every fraction of a second, and there is a great race towards attracting users’ attention, if you are in content marketing keen to provide strong, attractive and useful content with the same rule that applies to video marketing , focus on the value you provide to your customers.
The beginning is pivotal
The first ten seconds of the video are enough to make users continue watching it, or turn it off to switch to other content. Make sure that those ten seconds are attractive, interesting, and sufficient to attract them.

Don’t sell, add value
You can use promotional videos for your products or services directly, but the most influential videos are those that add something new, value or information to viewers instead of focusing clearly on the product and its benefits.
Make it short
Experts advise that we should focus on creating short, beautiful, effective, and useful video clips instead of long ones, remember that the ideal length for a video today is about one minute, and the longer the length of the videos, the higher the cessation rates. Actually there are many tool available now for short videos for marketing. For example, I recently find a tool called FlexClip. You can create stunning short videos with it either for business, lifestyle, or for social media. It has thousands of templates for beginners.
Improve the visibility of the video
Just as you strive to improve your written content on search engines, it is essential that you also strive to improve the visibility of your video on search engines by choosing a motivating title that carries the most searched keywords.
Use “ call to action”
Like other forms of content, users must know exactly what you want from them after they finish watching the clip, by using words that urge them to take a specific action, such as: visit our website, subscribe to the channel … etc.
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