Why Game Developers Should Expand Game Overseas

Game Developers

Last Updated on July 9, 2024 by Team Experts

Games are equally popular among youngsters and elders. We often see people sitting at airports or railway stations playing games. It has become the best source of getting out of boredom. Game development is not an easy task. It involves both your resources, efforts, and money. Moreover, in the development of a few games, international teams are involved. As a developer, you must want the result of your efforts. 

Here the question comes, how can you reap profits for all your hard work. The answer is, you must translate in the language that people understand. This is the same as people opt to buy products and services from websites that they understand. People tend to download those games which are in their native language. For example, if you want to tap into the market of Finland, then you must go for Finnish translation services.

Why Game Developers Should Look for Foreign Markets

You cannot tap into any market without knowing its potential otherwise, you will face great loss. Do you know that China is the largest video game market in the world, with a whopping revenue of 279 billion yuan? The US game market comes at second with a worth of $42 Billion. Third comes the market of South Korea and Japan, with a revenue of $20.6 billion and $7.3 billion. The gaming industry is making progress with leaps and bounds. Therefore, it is expected that it will make progress by $200 billion by 2023.

No doubt, English is a universal language, but to your surprise, 63% of video gamers are from non-English-speaking countries. Therefore, if your game is available in English, you will miss out on a high opportunity for growth. Therefore, for the Chinese target market, you must go for Chinese translation services.

How to Choose Your Target Market 

Let’s dive into some factors that will help you to decide that for which countries, you need to go for game translation services.

Checking the Existing Data

For launching the other part of the game, you must check user data like average revenue per daily active user ARPDAU and customer lifetime value LTV. This will help you in identifying whether your game is doing well in the market or not. In this way, you can make a rational decision whether to go for game expansion or not.

Third-Party Assistance CPI

You can take leverage from third-party data to check how many people are playing games in a specific territory. This information will help you in deciding whether you should release your game in the specific market or not to gain high profits.

Potential of the Market

Collect data regarding downloads and check revenue against them. After that, check the purchase ratio to identify whether the users are willing to spend money. The important thing to note is that if users are downloading games, but they are not making in-game purchases, then the market will not be profitable for you.

Competitive Analysis

Again, take assistance from third-party business intelligence tools to check your downloads and games with the competitor. It is a probability that you find out that you should opt for niche markets with a lower propensity to consume. Contrary to this, you can avoid niche markets because competitors have already targeted them before.

Size of the Target Market

You will reap more profit if more customers download your game. To know the exact size of the target market, you can use Facebook Ad Manager. It can give you information regarding lucrative markets other than the US and UK.

Check Top Ranking of the Market

Check the App Store, to check whether the market you are opting for is coming in the top 10 or not. Organic browsing can make a great difference in small markets. Therefore, you should think before tapping into larger ones.

Monetization Model

What is Monetization? It is about converting the non-revenue generated asset into a profitable one. If you are looking for in-game purchases to reap more revenue, then you should opt for those markets that have high purchasing power. For instance, people that are using iPhones make more in-app purchases than Android users. To apply the monetization model, you should go for markets with larger user bases like China and Russia. For this, you must go for Chinese translation services and Russian translation services.

Cost and Complexity Associated with Localization

For entering a new region, you must communicate with the people in the language that resonates with their culture. Here localization is required. Therefore, besides the cost of translation, you also must bear the price of localization. For this, you must hire a professional translation agency that can provide you with impeccable gaming translation services while keeping regional and cultural intricacies in view. Spending on translation and localization is worth spending because it reaps your profits in the long run.

Wrapping Up

 Game developers should expand games overseas to grab their market share from the competitive global market. For this, they need to do research on lucrative markets of the world and then analyze consumer behavior and then decide which market to tap into.

Read also: How to Get Better at Video Games: 11 Important Tips


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