Why does your sales team need a virtual phone number?

virtual phone number

Last Updated on July 3, 2024 by Team Experts

Sales is one of the most crucial and tedious jobs. Ask any salesperson and they will immediately tell that they face a tough time every day to generate a single useful lead.  Many calls, sort-listing, right pitching, and various other things they have put-in before they get hold of a useful lead.

To make things worse, there are some customers that don’t want to pick a sales call. The struggle of a salesperson is real. But, they still continue with it as sales are something that can’t be thrown on the back seat. It will always be in the front seat. While we can’t abolish their struggle, we can definitely make things easier for them.

A virtual phone number is one tool that can be proved as a hidden blessing for your sales team. It can be used for your day to day cold calling activity. Though it seems a mere means of communication, the way it simplifies day-to-day struggles and operations is very commendable.

There is hardly any sales aspect that can’t be handled with the virtual phone system. Be it generating more leads or exploring new markets. Everything can be done perfectly with its help.

Better lead generation

The very first operational aim of your sales team is to generate leads. At the end of the day, every sales manager asks his team how many potential prospects they have generated. Despite being a prime purpose, it is the toughest nut to crack. Things become difficult when you pay for those sales calls and you get no result.

Cloud telephony, when used diligently, can do wonders in numerous ways.  The first way that it will help you is reducing the call incurring charges.  Making calls using an internet connection is way cheaper than making calls using PSTN-based telephony. So, you can have a cost-effective cold calling.

Up next is its ability to target the customer in more than one way. We live in the digital world and you can’t stick with calls to reach-out to the customers. It limits your reach to the customers. With the help of virtual telephony, you can target your customers via email, voicemail, SMS, livechat, web-conferencing and other unified communication methods. Another thing which can come handy is the use  of voice broadcasting service which lets you make an automated call to large numbers of targeted audiences at once.

If a call won’t get answered, your targeted customer can read out the SMS or listen to voicemail. When you are targeting your customers in multiple ways, you are likely to generate a high number of leads.

Easy exploration of new markets

To enjoy high sales and revenue, you must have ample market options. You can’t weave success when you are targeting a single market as there must be other competitors as well.  With the help of a virtual phone system, you can easily explore upcoming local and international markets without any hassles.

The local and international calling expenses are way less than what you bear with traditional telephony. You can find out which market is performing well and which is not by making various sales calls. You can also learn about your targeted customers’ mindset and proceed accordingly.

Keeping a track on sales operations is now no more a headache

It’s not generating leads or testing new markets gives you a tough time. Keeping a track on sales operations and creating an insightful report is equally tough and necessary. But, cloud telephony offers you a helping hand at this front as well.

You can easily keep track of every sales call. Starting from customer feedback to the final status, everything can be on your fingertips. The best part is that all of it happens automatically. You don’t have to make special efforts.

Better and informative targeting

All of your sales targeting efforts will go in vain if you don’t know your customer well. The more specific and personalized would be the targeting; the better would be the outcome. Cloud telephony comes with a whole range of integrations that can fetch customer information from multiple platforms. For example, you can find out about the previous purchase history or previous comment over a single click.

These integrations help you club multiple operational components over a single platform and help you know your customers better.

Great mobility

Can you afford to miss a call back from targeted customers? No, not at all. This would be the worst nightmare of any salesperson. Sales demand around-the-clock availability. You can achieve it with the help of cloud telephony as it comes with great flexibility.

You can use it over any data-driven device and internet connection. The incoming calls can be transferred on your mobile phone and you can receive it from anywhere.

 Virtual telephony – Making sales a cakewalk

We all know that sales are a tough job. While we can’t keep it aside, we can find out ways to make it smooth and hassle-free. A virtual phone number is a way out. By offering you multiple ways to target the audiences and helping you explore the upcoming markets, it makes sales simplified up to great extent. 


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Anil is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable person who is a Technology evangelist. He's always been fascinated at work especially at innovation that causes benefit to the students, working professionals or the companies. Being unique and thinking Innovative is what he loves the most, supporting his thoughts he will be ahead for any change valuing social responsibility with a reprising innovation. His interest in various fields and the urge to explore, led him to find places to put himself to work and design things than just learning. Follow him on LinkedIn

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