What is the Latest Trend in Custom Box Packaging?

You might be thinking, “What’s the latest trend in custom box packaging?” You might be tempted to go with the old classics like cartoons and retro-themed packaging, but there are plenty of other, more modern trends that you can use. Here are a few: 3D illustrations, Color gradients, and storytelling. Hopefully, one of these trends will work for you! And if not, it might be time to give your packaging a face-lift.

Retro and vintage-themed packaging

While vintage designs are often associated with more nostalgic times, these styles are still incredibly modern. As a result, retro and vintage packaging is becoming increasingly popular, including its aesthetic and practical value. The classic look of old-time packaging is popular with organic and pharmaceutical brands alike. In addition, vintage-style packaging is a popular way to promote environmental consciousness and incorporate old-school charm into your packaging.

This trend is not for every product, however. Retro and vintage-themed packaging is best for specialty products. These designs tap into consumers’ sense of nostalgia and emphasize brand longevity. Retro packaging can make your brand stand out and evoke long-term trust in your company, and this trend isn’t limited to clothing, either. Vintage packaging can even be used to package chocolates. The possibilities are endless.

3D illustrations

Using realistic-looking 3D illustrations for your custom box packaging is an innovative and exciting way to brand your products. These illustrations are ideal for product packaging as they let the designers explore the 3D environment and incorporate a custom image and style. Since 3D graphics cannot be found in stock libraries, they are a unique way to promote your brand. This trend is gaining popularity in many industries, and it is sure to continue to grow in the coming years.

The latest trend in custom box packaging is incorporating illustrations. Adding 3D graphics to your product packaging can enhance brand recognition and increase sales. These illustrations are perfect for label design, creative packaging, and product branding. Moreover, they can add to the overall aesthetic appeal of your brand. These illustrations also help you create an appealing story, which is essential when your custom box packaging needs to be viewed by consumers.

Color gradients

This modern design element makes waves worldwide and is sure to stick around for quite some time. Gradients are a blending of colors, which are either bold or subtle and can take center stage in your packaging design or play a supporting role. They present some unique branding and packaging design opportunities, and their ability to remain fresh and new gives them an edge over other trends. 

Gradients are a standard design element and are a great way to give your packaging design uniqueness. Gradients allow designers to blend colors and create depth in their designs. Plus, they look great on digital platforms. Therefore, gradients will also be the mainstay of packaging designs in 2022. With so many options to choose from, you can rest assured your packaging design will stand out in the crowd.


Brands are increasingly utilizing storytelling to connect with consumers and strengthen relationships. Stories can include:

  • Custom design.
  • A connection to the product inside.
  • An emotional connection to the brand.

Brand storytelling is essential for premium gift boxes and experience gifts, as an excellent presentation can make customers feel special and promote an emotional connection with the brand. This trend is not limited to the retail industry, however. Here are some ways to use storytelling with custom box packaging.

Stories can be easily conveyed through pictures. The combination of small illustrations, standout colors, and block patterns can help to tell the story. Aesthetic typography is also becoming more popular in custom box packaging. Brand awareness and sales can be boosted with the use of attractive typography. Choosing the proper elements for your bespoke box packing is critical. It’s crucial to figure out what each element’s purpose is.

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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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