When is the Right Time to Start your Business?

Start your Business

Last Updated on July 9, 2024 by Team Experts

If you are reading this, you are probably amid a fight between your heart and your brain- dealing with the most hotly debated question in the entrepreneurial world- Is this the right time to start a business? Alas! The answer might sound rejecting, but console yourself to deal with it. 

Life is all about fighting, from getting assignment help during your MBA days to securing your identity among millions of entrepreneurs. 

Let’s not get diverted. 

So, you have probably given it a shot several times- while taking a shower, while nibbling on your favorite chocolate and even in the supermarket. But, it is also fair to assume that you have equally delayed for months because it just does not feel like the right time. 

But here is the thing, there will always be reasons to knock back your entrepreneurial goals. And so it comes down to this: you must create the ‘right time’. Only you can make this happen- and if you are waiting for the right moment to walk in your way, you might keep waiting forever.

Is it some magic that happens? No! There is a set of conditions that make your dreams a reality. And then, you start with these three steps.

The First Turning

Use contentment as your magic dust

Think back to the time when you accomplished a much-awaited goal- backpacking across Europe, completing an IronMan, or nailing a big presentation. Remember how contended you felt when you were done? 

That is when you earned your healthy dose of pride and felt contended. And the good kind of contentment- the kind that fuels your self-worth- motivates you towards achieving more.

So, give this vision exercise a try: 

  • Pen down what your business life would look and feel like? 
  • How much do you spend? 
  • What does your team comprise? 
  • How do people think about your company? 
  • How does your life feel like on a day-to-day basis?

Read and imagine the reality. Feel the pride that comes along. This painted picture is your roadmap to success. And now that you know your destination, though a virtual one, you are in a better position to make the first move.

Prioritize your vision

Realistically, it is about you and not about the right time. Only you contain the power to create your success story. You make the command, and when you achieve it- only you get to taste the success. But that takes a specific type of person. It takes guts and grit. But, most of all, it takes vision.

You have to paint the big picture yourself, see through the trials, and be all in. And that might require you to take the roughest route, rolling up sleeves and putting in the hours. And when is the right time to start a business? NOW.

Embrace the possibility of failure

If entrepreneurship is the light at the end of the tunnel, fear of failure is the darkness within the tunnel. Most Americans want to be their own boss- but are they running on the road building the businesses of their dreams? No. this is because they fear. 

Then again, there is positivity in the most negative situation. That is- how you handle your fear plays a role in predicting your lifelong success. The fear can be debilitating at first, but that does not make you worthless. Instead, you need to switch your mindset, look straight into the eyes of failure, and turn it into a powerful tool for growth. 

Instead of fearing the unknown, be willing to fail. You can learn from your mistakes. So, please take it as an opportunity to get better at what you are doing. And while you do that, trust the process.

Now, when is the right time to start your business? Say fearlessly to yourself- NOW.

The Second Turning

So, I have been speaking up for those who could not come out of the tunnel all this while. And now I will be speaking for those who have taken the first step towards success but still are unsure if they would tap on the start button now. 

The next portion of the content is for them. So, read on without any further ado.

Do you not think that starting a business is like deciding to have a baby? There goes so much planning, plotting, and dreaming into it before you take the last leap. Finally, you have garnered the motivation, your website is perfect, you have written the business plan, and even caught the eyes of some of your investors. And still, waiting for the right time? 

So, for them, pick off these tips to understand when it is the right time to take the second step.

When you have honed in on the ideal idea

You have talked to many people, done five different prototypes, conducted thorough research, and recognized the best idea for your business. So, now is the time to act. Because at some point when your mind will not have the perfect information, your heart will have a good stance of ‘so I should just decide.’

When you feel comfortable

You need to follow your instincts at this stage. Feeling comfortable within can keep you in total control of how responsive you are to a particular situation. It would help if you were responsive to the issues that come up when starting a business. Feeling contended on the inside is an understanding that you should start with your work now.

When you have generated some buzz

If you have created some buzz around you, and people around you talk about your business, you must know that your business is about to blossom. If you have promoted and talked about your business, it is a fair chance to get a good exposure. And when you hear people conversing about your business, you must start.

When you have set a date

Set a date, especially if you love working under deadlines or pressure. People usually have so many ideas running across their minds that they get confused. A risky yet workable deadline can keep you influenced and without procrastination excuses.

When you have made some early sales

Whether it is revenue from a soft launch, a pre-sale, or you have orders placed but have not accepted the loan to fulfill them, you cannot wait another day to launch. If money is coming your way from customers, that is the golden opportunity. That is the time to kick-start your business goals and aim towards success. 

Remember that time will always be perfect for everything you do. You need to stop giving yourself excuses and start doing it whenever it crosses your mind. Slow yet steady steps will surely lead you to success. However, comprehending the best hour within a reasonable timeframe is all you can do. And, of course, following turnings can help you decide to better.


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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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