Types of Healthcare Apps and their Features

Healthcare Apps

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Team Experts

Honestly, there are a variety of healthcare applications in the market. The type of application impacts what kind of functionalities it has, integrations, and what kind of data security it needs, so on and so forth. Most of them come under HIPAA compliant app development. Mobile healthcare applications, depending on the purpose of utilization, can be categorized into applications for users, healthcare apps professionals. 

Let’s take an in-depth look into each of these applications types. 

1. Fitness applications

Ever since the pandemic started, regardless of the country and continent, fitness centers were shut down tentatively all across the globe. Whatever home fitness applications were available in the market noticed a sudden surge. Now, these home workout applications help users in keeping track of their health by offering various training programs without having to spend much money. 

Features of fitness applications:

-> Effective workout training programs from various celebrity trainers

-> Customized workout plans to achieve health goals

-> Various workout categories based on the body part, intensity, and duration of the exercise

-> On-demand workout training 

-> Workout guidance

-> APplication integration with smart devices such as fitness trackers and smartwatches

2. Telepharmacy applications

Staying healthy and taking medications on time is crucial. However, some people just forget to take them. Telepharmacy applications are utilized to calculate drug doses depending on the patient’s age, weight, and other physical data to avoid time taking manual calculations and spreadsheets. 

Telepharmacy applications an assist in managing the patient’s mediation, their health condition, and share that data with physicians and doctors. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can be integrated into those applications to personalize and allow proactive and preventive interventions.   

Features of telepharmacy applications:

-> Digitization of health records of the patients’ conditions, medical history, and medication dosage.

-> Reminders for taking medicines on time

-> Predicting treatment outcomes

-> Generate health reports and share them with doctor 

3. Risk Assessment Applications

Monitoring patients’ health conditions in real-time via integration with the digitized information and other health tracking devices that patients use. For instance, FHR 5-Tier application is used by nurses, midwives, and obstetricians who utilize EFM (Electronic Fetal Monitoring) for delivery purposes. 

Features of Risk assessment applications:

-> Examination of fetal heart rate recording to help in real-time patient care decisions.

-> Doctors get notified automatically when monitoring devices have found an anomaly or threat to the patient’s health. 

4. Patient-doctor communication healthcare applications

Health applications like these can assist patients in finding a doctor nearby, schedule an appointment, set up a video call, and pay online via payment gateway for consultation. Such applications can help easily track the user’s health and improve their loyalty to the healthcare provider, allowing for transparency between patients and doctors. 

Features of patient-doctor communication applications:

-> In-built messaging system

-> Electronic Health Records

-> One-on-one video call

-> HIPAA compliance

-> Share health reports

-> Telemedicine

5. Nutrition and Diet Applications

According to a study, nutrition and diet applications are one of the most used healthcare apps during the pandemic. Albeit treatable in most cases, obesity/overwight is one of the prevalent problems across the globe. There are hundreds of such healthcare applications in the market. The standard diet application comes with diet recommendations, a huge library of recipes, food journal, calorie counter, and progress chart. 

Features of nutrition and diet applications:

-> Quick food logging

-> Daily updated database with recipes, grocery store items, restaurants, etc.

-> Track micronutrients

-> Thousands of recipes database

-> Daily/weekly/monthly shopiing list

-> In-built barcode scanner for foods to automatically track nutrients 

-> Register food pictures in the application

-> Customizable dashboard

-> Track carbs, calorie intake, and plan daily meal nutrients

6. Disease Control and Monitoring Applications

Post COVID-19, disease control and monitoring applications have witnessed a tremendous rise. These disease tracking applications are utilized to track infected people and areas with high number of infected people. There are also applications for patients who are suffering memory impairments that assist patients with epilepsy, heart disease, diabetes, and other allergies. In addition, these apps help people who are battling depression to monitor their diet and medication and predict their mental health.  

Features of disease control and monitoring applications:

-> Manually enter data related to seizure so that the patient can mention the type of seizure, how long it last, time of the day, and other related information. 

-> Ability to send video so that the patients can describe the health condition such as what happened and how it happened to the doctor.

->  With self-management tools integration, patients will easily be able to check their blood pressure or heart rate anywhere anytime and save the results. 

-> Notifications and reminders will help in rmeinding the patient about a scheduled consulteion, get blood test, or even take their medication. 

-> Integrated with a calendar, chronic care coordination applications will be able to assist patients in keeping a track of medication and avoid missing them or overdosing.

-> Generating health data reports are needed to analyze the changes over time and adjust the treatment as per doctor’s diognosis.

-> A telemedicine feature such as interactive guidance will let the user schedule a video consultation with the physician or doctor. 


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