Top 7 Strategies to Grow Your Facebook Audience

Grow Your Facebook Audience

Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by Team Experts

Facebook is the king of social media platforms and a savior for brands. It focuses on making the platform user-friendly and provides as much help as possible to the people and businesses who use Facebook to market their content. Even marketers are impressed with the Facebook and service it provides. Hence, businesses cannot afford to ignore Facebook as part of their marketing strategy.

Marketers have even found a strategy where they can create a link between their Facebook accounts and websites. Social media aggregators have a dedicated tool for Facebook called, Facebook widget. These tools help you to embed Facebook feed related to your business on your website.

Facebook has always been considerate with business, and with timely updates and new features, it assists the businesses to grow and increase their reach. There are ample ways of using Facebook to father audience and increase customer base.

Using the Facebook features and smart strategies, you can achieve more Facebook audiences for your posts. More audiences help the content to get more reach, and hence, it boosts your social media presence and market awareness. 

This blog will discuss great Strategies that help you enhance your Facebook audience for your business and page.

Great Strategies to Grow Your Facebook Audience

1. Make Facebook exclusive content

One of the major strategies to grow your Facebook audience is staying relevant on the feed and complying with the Facebook algorithm. Facebook does not promote posts that allow people to move away from the platform; hence, it curbs the posts with links that redirect them to other websites.

The best way is to keep your content and posts exclusive to Facebook and avoid using external links on your content. It is best to use post content using Facebook features and variations that Facebook provides. You can write a blog, share an image or upload a video.

Facebook is a unique platform that provides such variation for the users to post their content. Whether text or visual, it provides boosts to each. But keep in mind that you don’t put any external links on your posts.

2. Stay relevant

You can only gather an audience for your posts if you stay relevant. Staying relevant means posting regularly and keeping your feed fresh. Fresh feed helps you to increase reach. Facebook algorithm boosts the accounts and pages that stay active and helps Facebook grow audience interaction. In simple words, try to stay relevant on Facebook feed and keep your account active.

Staying relevant also means that you stay up to date with the latest events and happenings. And use those in a creative way for your posts. You can provide your opinion on ongoing topics, take a stand on debates, or use the recent viral incidents in your advertising campaign.

Show your creative side and use all recent updates for your post.

3. Use Facebook widget

The Internet provides great opportunities for promotion, whether it is your brand, product, or post. Cross-platform promotions have emerged as one of the best marketing strategies. Continuing the trend of cross-promotion, you can even use your website to promote your Facebook and your content.

The Facebook widget helps you gather the feed related to your business; you can even use the widget to link it with your business page. The widget then displays the feed on your website, allowing your visitor to get a sneak into your Facebook presence. The visitor can scroll through your posts and even follow your Facebook page if he likes your content.

4. Plan your posts

Planning is the most important for marketing, and the same implies to social media marketing and Facebook marketing. We all know the Facebook algorithm does not always work in the favor. Hence, it becomes important that you keep a plan to post your content or maintain a calendar to upload posts.

You can take advantage of any occasion, festival, or holiday. And according to research, the best time to post content on Facebook is between 8:00 AM to 12 PM local time. You can attain more views and achieve more audience if you set a schedule. But keep in mind that you don’t become predictable on the timing, as it might create disinterest in followers’ minds.

5. Join Facebook groups

Facebook has an amazing feature where you can create or join separate public groups. You can join groups that involve your business circle, as it will help you know the market and trend is a part of the business circle.

You can also join different public groups to market your posts by sharing your content on the group. It will attract some attention, and you get an audience for your Facebook page.

Facebook allows you to create a group, so you can even create a group with your leads and potential customers and provide your posts on the group so people in the group can see them.

6. Use Facebook live feature

Facebook provides you the facility where you can increase the interaction with your followers by going live. People love interacting with brands and always curious to know more about them and their products.

Facebook live videos get more engagement than normal videos. You can answer your customer’s queries, provide any latest update on your business, or announce any new product launch.

You can also organise separate Q&A or ask me anything sessions. It helps you to attain more audience, and you also get to know about the market trend and people’s opinions about your brand.

7. Provide special offers to your Facebook audience

Rewarding has always been the key for marketers to promote their products. You can use this traditional scheme in modern times as well.

You can announce special offers for your Facebook audience; provide them with special discounts or coupon codes. People like to exercise any discount or offer, and hence it helps you to get some brand promotion and attain some Facebook audience.


Facebook is a great platform to grow and promote your business. It provides various features to the business and boosts its reach. The huge user base of Facebook allows you to attain customers and attract the audience for your posts. So, make plans and try all the strategies to increase your brand awareness and take your business to new heights. And, Embed Facebook Feed on your website and enjoy the amazing website traffic.


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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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