Most of us know that we need to cut down on disposal options for medical waste, but what about other waste disposal solutions? Is it possible to reduce the amount of waste that comes our way by getting our concerns and other patients out of the way so we can focus on treatment?
These are some of the questions we answer in this article-driven blog. Read on to discover the top ways you can reduce your offensive waste collection and make sure it doesn’t come back to haunt you.
What Is Clinical Waste?
Clinic waste is any liquids, waste, or other tissues or materials that are not properly or inappropriately disposed of at the end of a patient’s visit to the clinic.
There are a few types of waste you might want to consider for your clinic: patients’ samples, medications, medications that are left over from visits, only-in-possession (WIP) inventory, unopened packages, and other items that are surplus from the visit. You might also consider euthanasia if you’re dealing with a dead patient.
How To Waste Less At Your Clinic?
Some things you can do to make less offensive waste collection: Zale off the eye drops while the patient is still standing. Unclog the toilet while the patient is in the bath.
Do not place your hand near one of the shower walls while the patient is in the shower. Wash your hands frequently with soapy water and soap after your patient has left the clinic.
Do not leave your patient’s things on the operating table while they’re still in the operating room. If possible, keep all patient files and documents in file cabinets or file rooms.
Your physical location will help you accumulate fewer things. Use a high-speed internet connection when possible. Keep everything in a plastic bag or Ziploc bag.

1. Strive for Sustainable Disposals
If possible, avoid placing plastic bags in the disposal section of your clinic. If you must use bags, make sure they are securely fastened, have a strong opening, and are dry before use.
Give all your items a good clean by brushing your teeth, flossing your teeth, or reshaping your spine. If you must use paper bags, be sure they are 100 percent foldable and have a long enough mouth so they can stretch from one end to the other.
If you have to use plastic bags, try to get them made of fiberglass or other lightweight materials. Don’t forget about the mask. While plastic bags are not only less disposed of but often contain less infectious waste disposal than paper bags, they are not as absorbent.
If you must use a plastic mask, make sure it is water-resistant, has a long life span, and is not stuffed or stuffed into tight spaces. It should also be able to stay put when you’re handling your patient.
2. Offering Plenty of Options
Making less offensive waste collection might be the key to reducing the amount of waste in your clinic. You can always try adding more storage space or turning your clinic into an all-purpose bin.
The possibilities are pretty much endless when it comes to ways to reduce your clinic waste. If you’re able to get your hands on more space, try adding a desk or two to fit the bill and make room for a filing system.
If space is a limiting factor, you can always look at adding other types of storage, such as a garage or a roof-mounted garage. Finding the right solution for your facility will take some hard work and some luck, but it’s definitely doable.
If space is an issue, you can always consider using a DIY storage system. While it might not be the most professional thing to do, it’s an affordable and easy way to get some space when you have no other options.
3. Provide Always Good Wrapping
When it comes to appealing to a wider range of patients, you want to make sure you’re always managing your disposal management.
You don’t want to throw away a perfectly good sandwich or a beautiful flowers-on-the-table because it isn’t in your best interest to keep bringing it to the clinic.
That’s not how you want to manage your clinic waste, but you can do something about it. If you have a patient who always brings their disposables to the clinic, you can always return the favor by taking their old sandwiches and promoting their new carry-to-the-clinic offerings. This will show your patient that you still care and that their old sandwich is still available.
4. Always Good Enfolding
If the patient’s old sandwich is still intact, you can always return it to the clinic. But if the patient has thrown away the sandwich or put it in the trash or hidden it in another location, you can always find it and return it to the clinic with a new and clean wrapper.
Keep in mind that you can only provide so much at a time. You can’t just throw away an old sandwich and expect that patient to appreciate it.
You also can’t hope that the patient will take up the hygiene challenge or even make a beeline for the jar when they’re done with their inspection.
So, you have to do everything you can to make sure your patient’s jar of snacks is always clean and ready to go.
5. All Natural Disposable Materials
When it comes to reducing the amount of waste in your clinic, you don’t want to skimp on the quality of your materials. You don’t want your supplies to be plastic or made of fiberglass.
You want to be able to handle large quantities of supplies with ease and have them ready when a patient needs them. If you’re finding it more and more difficult to take care of your clinic waste, you might consider investing in all-natural and organic disposables.
These materials are less likely to be contaminated with chemicals or bacteria and are better for the environment in many ways. You can always return these supplies to the clinic if you’re not happy with the way they look or how they perform.
6. Don’t Forget The Mask
As we mentioned above, your clinical waste services are not the same regardless of which type of waste you choose to handle.
What’s important is to keep track of which types of waste you think should be disposed of, and then make a plan to get it done. One of the best ways to get your head out of the gutter is to have a waste-management plan.
This might not be the most professional thing to do, but it’s the minimum grace period that you need to get your waste-management plan in order.
As you can see from the results above, it’s possible to reduce your clinic waste and get it to the disposal site more easily.
With a little bit of effort, you can reduce your waste from your clinic by turning away unwanted patients, offering them better prices, and closing the clinic on holidays.
But how do you take these simple steps to reduce your clinic waste? Here are the tips to help you reduce your clinic waste:
- Get your waste assessments in order. Make sure you clearly understand what has become of your infectious waste disposal and where it should go.
- Do not forget the mask! This is one of the most important things you can do to keep your fee-simple clinic waste down.
- Make sure you have a solid waste management plan in place.
- Keeping it in order will reduce the amount of waste that comes your way.
- Don’t forget the mask! Make sure you have a clean and intact mask when you are handling your waste.
- Be careful with the terms and conditions of any purchases you make. They need to be out of and out of their minds so that they do not attract unwanted attention.
Now that you know how to reduce your clinic waste, it’s time to get started. Start by making small adjustments to your practice to manage your waste more efficiently.
Read more: 5 Things You Can Do to Recycle Your Old Electronic Devices