Recovery From Addiction: What Are the Four Steps Involved in Recovery From Addiction?

Recovery From Addiction

Last Updated on June 10, 2024 by Team Experts

Alcohol use disorders require effort, time, willpower, and support to recover. You will start a journey through four distinct rehab recovery stages when you enroll in a professional alcohol and drug treatment program. Learn more about creating a healthy, drug-free lifestyle during this time.

Action Stage

The first phase of your recovery, treatment initiation, starts when you ask for assistance from a qualified alcohol and drug rehab program.

You’ll likely feel conflicted about permanently quitting your drug of choice in the early hours and days of your rehab, and you might believe that your substance abuse issue is not as severe as others. Be cautious of this mindset. In the early stages of your recovery, ambivalence and denial may be your worst enemies. At this stage of treatment, the objective is to assist the patient in deciding to engage in treatment and accept abstinence. An individual’s history of alcohol and drug use is obtained during this phase of treatment, the treatment program is introduced, and the counselor collaborates with the patient to create an individualized treatment plan.

Contemplative Readiness

Contemplative readiness is an important step for those seeking recovery from addiction. At this stage, individuals begin to recognize that their behavior is causing them to have a problem and may need to change. The word contemplate means considering something carefully and thoughtfully for a long time. At this stage, individuals may consider changing their behaviors or quitting their addiction.

During the contemplation stage, the person is more open to new information about addiction and serious conversations. The contemplation stage of recovery is long and may last for years. Many people may bounce back and forth between the pre-contemplation and contemplative stages. Regardless, the most important thing to remember is that it is extremely important to begin the process of healing as soon as possible.

An individual with an addiction may first experience the positive effects of their behaviors, but in the long run, they experience negative consequences. These negative consequences may result from addiction or harm caused by the behavior. The negative consequences of their addiction will push them into the contemplation stage.

Maintenance Stage

The maintenance stage in recovery from addiction involves a client’s continuous effort to avoid relapse. When a client achieves this goal, they develop strong self-efficacy. They also become less tempted by triggers and temptations. Their newly adopted behaviors become the norm, and their new identity emerges. In time, they may become non-smokers and a full member of their families.

The maintenance stage is an important part of the addiction recovery process. It’s important to remember that there are no guaranteed time frames to complete the maintenance stage. While some people may achieve this goal in six months, most addicts need two to five years. This time frame will vary depending on the intensity of the addiction, the severity of the cravings, and the experience of the addict.

In the early stages of recovery, people rarely realize they are struggling with an addiction. They may be in denial, unable to see the consequences of their actions, and may not even realize they need help. Therefore, it’s important to stay calm and refrain from judging or blaming yourself for your current situation.

Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention involves teaching people how to avoid situations that will cause them to relapse. This can be done in several ways. One way is through cognitive therapy interventions, which involve teaching individuals how to reframe situations that might trigger a relapse. These interventions can help people view relapse as a learning experience instead of a personal flaw. While it’s important to keep an eye on relapse prevention strategies, it’s equally important to focus on recovery.

One of the most effective ways to avoid relapse is to practice self-care. Many people who use drugs or alcohol use these substances to unwind, reward themselves, or escape a stressful environment. These behaviors put them at risk for relapse because they don’t take care of themselves or create emotionally draining situations.

Another way to avoid relapse is by establishing a support network. A support group can provide various benefits, from education and accountability to peer support. A support group can also help an individual reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can be dangerous in recovery.

Also read: What is Post-Rehab Personal Training and What Thing You Should Consider Becoming a Trainer?


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