Enrich Your Community With Online Cultural Events

In the recent past mankind has been in close quarters with social circumstances they never would have anticipated. No one succeeded at maintaining a healthy social life and went right into their cocoons, amidst all this chaos to wrap their heads around, platforms that rose to the occasion and got more attention than they ever have are online events. These platforms opened up new avenues for many institutions and inspired the masses to adapt and optimize readily available resources.

One of the major boons of the online medium was that everybody is starting afresh with very low or close to no digital footprint or clearly laid out policies for online functioning. These online events with the right planning, time, and effort have the potential to turn into huge successes for a group to connect with its most committed members. There’s always a little black book to help in enhancing all of one’s experiences, here are some aspects to look after on how to elevate someone’s experience in an online event.

1.    Analyzing the recipients of information:

The foremost feature of hosting a successful online event or live stream free is knowing the audience one is catering to. What are they inquisitive to know? What grasps their attention? For instance, if someone in college is planning to organize LGBTQ+ events in Pride month, they would want to commence or incorporate a Pride parade in the schedule to be able to spread awareness as well as attract as many attendees as possible.

2.    Actively working constituent body:

Reach existing members of the core body first before reaching new audiences. Core members are already passionate about the organization, so not only can one count on them to join but can also use it as a huge asset to promote their event. For example, if a temple hosts an online seder, make sure the temple community is aware of it and then provide resources to share the event with their network.

3.    Strategic Marketing:

Once the core team is clear about their roles and responsibilities, the immediate next step is to maximize potential attendees of the event To shortlist target audiences and find appealing marketing strategies according to the tastes and caliber of these groups. The major opportunity to pounce upon with online events is that the attendees are not limited by location or commute, they can log in from anywhere, anytime if they’re interested enough!

4.    Accessibility according to the audience:

It is not just about attracting customers, but also being able to cater to their immediate anticipated requirements. For example, the screening of a regional movie in its native language at a cultural event would also require the movie to have appropriate subtitles along with a translator to answer any questions or to fill in any cultural gaps if required.

Any type of event should consider how event pricing affects attendees. Increasing access to the event contributes to greater success. Tiered pricing is a great way to make the event more inclusive while still making a profit.

5.    Spotlight on what’s unique:

The institution is unique so the cultural event should applaud that. Turn to the core team for more engaging ideas to make the event more cohesive. To be able to showcase new art and areas of the prowess of multiple artists would be extremely attention grasping and would turn in new audiences as well. You can go unique by choosing an interactive virtual event platform, like Mixhubb.

6.    Creating a Brand Image:

With the ongoing reach of digital marketing, to make your brand stand out and to be able to build an unsaid understanding with the consumers, the customer needs to know what the company sticks by and the set of policies it adheres to. Along with this being able to host recurring series of helpful events, for the attendees to return is a key factor in making sure a community is active and vital.

7.    Forming Personal Connection:

When one steps out of the house to attend an event, they absorb the stimulus, meet new people, and have interactions that are a bit limited in the online medium, which is why there should be a mastered ability to be able to hold a conversation. To be able to make a person feel seen is extremely important, this might be through conversation or by them being able to relate to the session as it might intersect with their beliefs or practices. These practices might be social, political, religious, or in any sphere of interest of the individual. 

8.    To enjoy what one is working towards:

A way to attach emotion and meaning to drive the team towards success is to organize the event as a fundraiser for a cause everyone collectively believes in. For instance, hosting a session and donating the raised funds to an NGO actively focusing on the social issue gives greater purpose to the event. 

9.    Highlighting the necessary:

When executing a cultural event, search for a way to put the spotlight on the organization. If an Independence Day themed event is under works, a trivia about the freedom struggles and fighters with a discount code to purchase Indian Textiles can be very inviting.

10.  It’s that time of the year:

With the different festivals with different demands encompassing the entire year, it’s important to know what one’s audience wants and to be able to cater to many cultural and religious communities adhering to their boundaries and beliefs.

In busy seasons, it’s best to plan ahead about arranging, pricing, and marketing.


These are just some key highlights that one can keep in mind while hosting online events, whether afresh or experienced these points only add to the online ventures making sure one doesn’t leave any stone unturned.  With the new avenues open for creativity one’s zeal can take them to the greatest of heights, nonetheless, these key features remain intact as the base business rules and also as a thorough guide about the code of conduct.

Read more: Top 7 Advantages of iPad Rentals for Business Events


She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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