How IIOT Proves to Be a Game Changer in Terms of Workplace Safety for Industrial Workers?

IIOT for workplace safety

Last Updated on July 19, 2024 by Team Experts

Companies in every industry are required by law to provide safety for their employees at work. According to a report, serious work-related injuries cost businesses up to $60 billion annually. Workplace-related incidents cause irreparable damage to the reputation of a business. IoT (the internet of things) is a technology that can help companies solve the issue of industrial safety.

By predicting and preventing accidents, industrial IoT solutions ensure that no one is injured on the job in this modern age. Let us see how IIoT solutions help ensure better industrial safety.

Environmental Sensors for Safety

As sensors have become more affordable, it is easy to attach them to everyday objects. Thus, turning them into some form of an IoT device. The cost of environmental monitoring has dropped, and industrial sectors can now easily adopt it. This data is invaluable for companies that want to ensure their workers are safe. Even on remote job sites, infrared sensors can continually monitor temperature and detect leaks. Other sensors detect and report position

  • velocity
  • motion
  • shock
  • force
  • vibration.

This helps your supervisors remain updated on working conditions.

Mining companies use IoT devices to measure biometric and environmental data of underground mine workers. Sensors are installed on these IoT devices that send data to supervisors in real-time. These IoT devices use the most up-to-date communication systems, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, or Zigbee. Companies get notified if their employees are potentially endangered and can take steps to help them.

Using Advanced Analytics for Better Safety

Lack of effective communication between different departments will often result in workplace injuries. Ensuring safe operations can be a tedious job. Especially when you need to compile reports on certifications, maintenance, and accident reports manually. Safety issues that would normally be caught are often not discovered until it’s too late because of this disconnect. This can lead to dangerous incidents.

IoT technology and advanced data analytics work together to provide a centralized system. This system is continuously monitored and analyzed. With this comprehensive system in place, companies can track and monitor accidents effectively. With IIoT, organizations are better equipped than ever before. The system helps them recognize potential risks and take preventive measures.

Using High-Tech Wearables

IIoT wearables can’t replace real safety gear, but they can complement it. Nearly every manufacturing worker has safety devices like goggles and safety gloves. Wearables will only provide additional peace of mind and comfort.

Modern IIOT safety wearables are designed to show your presence or track data such as your

  • heart rate
  • noise levels
  • postural changes
  • temperature variations
  • chemical exposure

Wearables help measure and improve employee health. They can be used to track vitals such as stress levels, blood pressure, and other factors that can affect their health.

Early detection is the key to solving health issues, and wearables can help do just that. When you set up alerts for certain abnormalities in your body, any deviations from their expected values are instantly transmitted to your health care providers and specialists.

Many multinational companies have introduced wearable devices with features like fall detection alerts or notifications about equipment collisions. The information is then transmitted to a central database and interface that executives can utilize.

Improving Safety in Manufacturing through IoT

Malfunctioning machines often cause hazardous accidents. You might want to consider adding sensors to your industrial machinery to view collectible data about the machine. In case of an equipment malfunction, the IoT system ensures all data is transferred to technical engineers. They will know what to do and how to take care of any impending problem to guarantee the safety of workers.

Construction Employees Making Use of Smart Helmets

A construction company in Australia has developed a new kind of wearable technology that helps improve workers’ conditions.

The company uses a smart helmet with sensors to track the safety of workers. This helmet collects data on the workers’ conditions and then uploads it to the cloud.

For example, using this app, managers can examine if some of their workers might be at risk for heatstroke. This is important as heatstroke is a major cause of death in a country like Australia.

The sensors have been programmed to track the worker’s heart rate, temperature, and environment. The smart helmet will let them know through an alert when they’re about to have a heat stroke. To make things even better, the sensors can send instant information to your supervisor or manager. This makes heatstroke prevention easier and faster.

Using IoT to Make Mining Safer

Miners are one of the most important groups of workers that require high safety measures. The industrial IoT (Internet-Of-Things) is helping increase efficiency and safety during mining processes.

IoT is impacting mines all over the world. The industry is seeing a huge surge in high-tech and software advancements, from drones to self-driving trucks. The industry is using this high tech to solve many challenges.

By remotely controlling machines, managers can improve safety and efficiency. They can even down machines that are not in use. Besides improving safety, it also prevents the wastage of resources such as fuel.

Thanks to IoT, mining businesses are experiencing greater levels of efficiency and safety. For example, Dundee Precious Metals has experienced a rapid production increase in their gold mines thanks to the IIoT.

Final Words

The rise of IIoT is bound to positively impact industrial safety. As we have seen, IIoT solutions are helping improve safety conditions in a wide range of industries. These solutions can prove to be a true game changer in industrial safety. We at iFour specialize in developing industrial IoT solutions for various sectors. Contact us to know more.

Read more: How New Technology Can Boost Morale In The Workplace


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