How Shopify brands are using Plexins to drive sales in automated & targeted ways

Shopify brands

Last Updated on May 2, 2023 by Team Experts

So you’ve launched your Shopify store, built up your customer list, and now want to engage with your customers through email and text messages. What do you use?

When it comes to email marketing, it is not as easy as it used to be. Before you had the ability to send emails that crept into the inboxes of your recipients and made them realize your brand was on their minds. 

Well, now you need permission before you can deliver messages, which is what makes email marketing platforms such as Plexins so successful. Plexins has been created for Shopify store owners looking to grow their business through email marketing – without the hassle. 

Plexins is an all-in-one platform that helps you send emails and text messages straight from your Shopify store. Using a drag-and-drop editor and templates that have already proven to drive sales, you’ll find that creating beautiful campaigns will be a breeze with Plexins. 

In addition to email and text message marketing, you can leverage automation in order to get more sales by using rules that trigger actions based on specific events on your website. 

We’ve created a beautiful and powerful tool that will help you grow your business by engaging with customers in new ways.


There mission is to help you build relationships with your customers by providing the tools to send them targeted messaging at the right time. With the powerful tools, you can create automated campaigns that send targeted messages based on user actions or any other criteria.

We’re here to help you grow your business by building a loyal customer base that loves what you do.

With Plexins, you can:

Build your lists at scale

This is easy-to-use platform lets you add new subscribers from any product page or shopping cart, then build targeted segments of customers on the fly.

Create a fully owned SMS list – A fully owned SMS list means that you have full control over your subscribers and their phone numbers. With Plexins, you can import your existing customer database into our system and start sending campaigns as soon as possible. This SMS list you have created will be there even if you leave and will help you build a strong brand!

Make use of data-rich segmentation – Segmentation is an essential part of any marketing strategy. It allows you to reach people with different interests, who have different needs and behaviors. You can use Plexins to create fully-customized segmentation based on your customer’s behavior, demographics, and interests. 

Increase store revenue

With this integrated SMS campaign builder, you can easily create campaigns that offer discounts or promotions to shoppers who are more likely to buy more.

Convert high-intent shoppers to increase sales – With this Abandoned payment and canceled order automation, you can convert high-intent shoppers who abandon their carts or who cancel an order. These automated emails can be used to reach customers as fast as possible after they’ve left the website and give them a second chance at buying your products.  

At-scale holiday events with personalized promotions – The holiday season is coming, and what better way to show your customers you care than with a personalized promotion?

With this e-commerce platform, you can create a unique offer for every customer in real-time. With just a few clicks, you can set up an offer that will be delivered right when they visit your store.

Improve customer retention

Customer retention is a vital part of any business. The more customers you retain, the less money you need to spend acquiring new ones. We use automation to maintain a strong relationship with our customers throughout their purchasing experience.

Recommended products to keep your customers – The best customers are the ones who return to your website, your app, and your store.

The best way to retain customers is by offering them great products and services. Therefore, Plexins offers recommended automation which means your customers will see what they love!

Provide customer service that is of high quality – Providing high-quality service is essential to your business. The better you do it, the more customers you’ll have. With Plexins you can set order confirmation automation for first-time buyers to let them know that the purchase was successful!

Plexins powerful automated features

This platform is jam-packed with automated features that will help you build a smart and powerful business.

Mass SMS

The mass texting service provides you with the ability to send out bulk SMS messages to your customers. It is a great way to communicate with your customers, especially those who have opted-in to receive SMS notifications.


The Autoresponder service allows you to set up a series of text messages that will be automatically sent out to your customers at predetermined intervals. This can be used for appointment reminders, birthday wishes, or any other type of notification that may be relevant.

Email Campaigns

The Email Campaigns service allows you to create and send out an email newsletter from within the platform.

Import contacts

If you already have a list you can import it from any platform you use. This allows you to keep track of all of your contacts in one place so it’s easy to stay organized!

SMS Keywords

With our platform, you can easily and quickly make your audience and promote your SMS keywords


With trigger automation, you can automatically contact your customers to resolve common questions and complaints.


Our pricing is based on how many contacts you want to reach out to. This is a pay-as-you-go model where you only pay for what you use. For example, if you send 1 SMS and 1 email every day. It will cost you from $0.014 to $0.05$ depending on the location. 

Furthermore, there are no subscription fees or other hidden fees. And you can get a $10 coupon just for signing up! (What are you holding out for?)

Marketing is tricky; you only have a few seconds to capture the attention of your audience and convince them to press play, read more, or engage with your brand. Plexins is a marketing platform that allows you to automate your marketing processes for SMS, email, push notifications, and social media. 

This platform can work on both personal and professional levels. So whether you are in charge of your own startup or you’re working at a big corporation. There’ll always be something that can help improve your marketing game.

Read more: Best Shopify Hacks to boost your Sales


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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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