A Quick Guide to Starting a Renovation Business

Renovation Business

Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by Team Experts

Did you know that half of all homes in the United States were built before 1980? Fortunately, we’re well past big hair and disco, but many homeowners never renovated their homes. Homeowners’ needs have changed since then, and the pandemic highlighted that. Many people completed renovation business projects to create more space or add a home office.

This trend will continue, which makes this a great time to start a renovation company. If you’re thinking about getting started in the renovation industry, you’ll need to know the basics of starting a business.

This article shows you the way. Read on to learn the major steps to take when starting a company.

1. Choose Your Niche

There are dozens of other remodeling contractors in your area. The best way to set yourself apart is to specialize in one specific area of remodeling. This attracts the right clients to your business and it’s what you’re known for.

Remodeling niches include wine cellars, bathroom remodeling, kitchen remodels, or commercial remodels.

A specialization doesn’t mean you don’t do other types of projects. You happen to have one area that you do better than anyone else.

2. Create a Business Plan

A business plan takes your idea and ensures it’s profitable. It takes a lot of research, but you fully understand the market conditions in your area.

You should look at your competition to see how they position themselves. Be sure to create financial projections to determine your profitability in the first couple of years.

3. Put Systems in Place

Your reputation depends on your ability to deliver projects on time and below budget. You can’t do that if everything is in your head.

That might work if you have 1-2 projects. As you scale up, you need to get organized so you can handle more business.

Invest in software to help you streamline your bathroom remodeling process and other projects. Some packages allow you to estimate and manage projects in one package.

4. Market the Renovation Company

It’s not easy to get your first renovation projects. Your goals should be to get small projects, do an outstanding job, and get referrals.

Start by developing relationships with real estate professionals. You can partner with other businesses that don’t compete with yours, such as a landscaping company, roofer, or plumber.

Don’t overlook digital marketing such as SEO and paid ads. These tactics capture leads when they’re seriously considering a renovation project.

5. Stay Up to Date

Consumer trends change on an annual basis. They look to you as the expert who knows the current trends. You have to recommend designs and products that are modern and timeless.

Be sure to keep up with architectural and product trends. You can do this by having great vendor relationships and joining trade associations.

Starting a New Business? Start a Renovation Company

This is a great time to start a renovation company. The tips in this article showed you what starting a business is really like. Keep it simple to start with and put yourself in a great position to scale up.

If you want tips to show you how to market your new business, head over to the Digital Marketing section of this site.

Also read about: Finding The Ideal Software Development Partner For Your Business


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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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