How Google Core Web Vitals Affect Your Site Performance in SERP

Google Core Web Vitals

Last Updated on July 19, 2024 by Team Experts

SERP (search engine results page) is the main screen that users see when they search for something online. Here, Google displays the top websites that have been specifically indexed and displayed based on the user’s search query. Due to the high volume of traffic that Google receives, it is essential for website owners to optimize their SERP pages as much as possible in order to improve their ranking.

What is Google Core?

When you Google a word, your search results are returned through a number of different services called “web vitals.” Google Core is one of these web core vitals and it affects how your site is ranked in SERP.

Google Core is a service that collects data about your website’s traffic and activity. This data can be used to improve your site’s ranking in SERP. In addition, the information collected by Google Core can also be used to personalize your search results.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of using Google Core, read our blog post: How WordPress Core Web Vitals Affect Your Site Performance in SERP.

How does it affect your site performance?

Google Core Web Vitals is a new addition to the Google SERP. This section includes information such as the size and type of your website, the number of pages, and more. It is important to keep this information updated in order to ensure peak site performance. Here are a few tips  recommended by a top Toronto SEO company that will help you optimize your website for better Google search engine rankings:

1. Keep your website size down. Make sure your website is well organized and easy to navigate. Minimize the number of files and images on your website.

2. Update your website content regularly. Make sure all of your information is up to date and relevant to the current search terms being used.

3. Use keywords throughout your website content. Add keywords at the beginning of each sentence, in the title tags, and in other places where they may be useful.

4. Use meta tags correctly. Meta tags are important for ranking in Google, so make sure they are correct and descriptive. For example, use “description” for a longer description of your site, or “keyword” for any keywords you want to rank for specifically.

How to improve your site performance with Core Web Vitals

Google has made it easy for webmasters to see how their site is performing in the SERP with Core Web Vitals. By using this tool, you can identify areas where your site can be improved and make changes to improve your overall SEO performance.

There are a few things you can do to improve your site’s overall performance with Core Web Vitals:

1. Check for errors and typos. Mistakes can lower your site’s ranking in the SERP, so it’s important to check for common errors and typos.

2. Optimize your images. Make sure all of your images are optimized for size and filetype, and use keywords in the file name or alt text.

3. Check for broken links. If one of your pages has broken links, Google will not rank that page as highly as pages with no broken links. So it’s important to check all of your pages for broken links and make necessary repairs.

4. Perform keyword research. Once you know what keywords are important to your niche, it’s important to research which ones are most popular within your specific industry or topic area. 

What can you do to improve your site’s performance with Core Web Vitals?

Google Core Web Vitals is a tool that Google provides to help you understand how your site is performing. This information can help you improve your site’s performance. Here are some tips for improving your site’s performance with Core Web Vitals:

1. Use the Core Web Vitals report to identify problems. The report includes information about how your site is performing on different criteria, such as speed, load time, and errors. This information can help you diagnose and fix problems.

2. Use the Site Speed Index to measure how your site is performing. The Site Speed Index measures the time it takes for a page to load on a computer. You can use this information to identify areas where your site needs improvement.

3. Check the PageSpeed Insights report to measure how your pages are performing. This report includes information about how your pages are loading and what actions you can take to improve them.

4. Use the GTM Performance reports to measure aggregate performance data for your entire website or domain. These reports include data about how users are interacting with your website and which ads are working best.


While it’s important to optimize your website for SEO, you should also be mindful of how Google’s core web metrics affect your site performance. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most important Google web metrics and discuss how they can impact your site’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). By understanding how these metrics work and what affects their scores, you can start to make informed decisions about which optimization tactics to employ on your website.

Read more: Top Digital Marketing Tips Every Business Owner Should Know


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