How Much Does Education App Development Cost?

Education App Development

Last Updated on July 19, 2024 by Team Experts

The education industry has undergone rapid digitization in the past half-decade. Countless eLearning apps have been launched since pandemic-induced lockdowns compelled educational institutions to adopt mobile learning solutions.

There’s been no turning back since; the current eLearning market is valued at over three hundred billion. These figures are about to rise further, even though a majority of schools and institutions have long since resumed in-person learning, thanks to all the features and benefits these apps offer.

Of course, get ready to take on some fierce competition if you have decided to build an app in this niche. You will, however, go in better prepared if you know some crucial details like the average education app development cost beforehand.

This blog explains why eLearning apps continue to be popular, followed by the cost-driving factors in development.

Top Reasons Why Education Apps Are Still Successful

Let’s look at why education app development is still in such high demand:

Remote Learning

One of the most significant advantages of educational apps is their portability. They have made it possible for users to learn at their pace and convenience.


Since users can learn wherever they want, they aren’t obligated to travel all the way to the institutional premises to pursue their education. Not only do they save time but also plenty of hassle, since they can usually find all the required courses in one place.

Accessible At All Times

Unlike ‘offline classes,’ students always have access to mobile learning apps. This is of great help when they cannot mark their presence at their schools or universities. In other words, they no longer miss out on their studies because of time-bound learning.

Through educational applications, learners can access educational resources 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They can also consult the app in case of doubts and queries as they require.

Extensive Learning Resources

Students gain access to far more programs and courses with eLearning apps than they would on campus. They can choose any resource they want without having to wait for official announcements of any kind.


An online course subscription is often lower than tuition fees, nor do you have to travel back and forth between buildings. Hence, you are saving a lot of money along with precious time.

Better Focus And Response

Apps are more interactive and engaging than books. Classroom lessons can be monotonous and make it difficult to concentrate. However, students find the images and animations of an eLearning app interesting and can remain focused for more extended periods of time

A lot of students enjoy using educational applications because of the fun, interactive ways they can learn from them.

Factors That Help Determine Education App Development Cost

It is always a challenge to determine how much a software project will cost. While there is no definitive answer, a few criteria usually help determine the total. 

Here are the essential cost-driving factors behind education app development:

Project Intricacy

The more your application will include in terms of features, the more complex it will be. Consequently, the app development cost will increase. For instance, an app with 3-4 screens and a limited curriculum will take less time and resources than an app with more screens, courses, and features.


The key to a successful app is a simple, user-friendly, yet aesthetically-pleasing interface. The edtech development company you choose will have to design the user experience on the basis of the diverse cognitive capabilities of the targeted age groups. The app will involve a certain level of animation and graphics depending on how interactive you want it to be. 

Choice Of Platform

What platform or device do you wish to launch your app for? This is an important question to answer as it directly affects the final education app development cost. Designing an app for a single platform or device is one thing. Consider going cross-platform if you want to reach users on multiple platforms.

Cross-platform and cross-device applications will cost far less compared to building the same app separately for each platform and device. You also save substantial time and resources while personalizing the app because cross-platform will only require you to make changes once.

Fundamental Features

Identifying the app’s core features is crucial, as you will want to keep the cost of your app at a minimum. Focus on the custom core features first. You can always integrate other features, such as third-party integrations, after successfully delivering the main app with its promised features.


Gamification has quickly become a large part of eLearning apps, regardless of the target audience. Students and teachers also prefer gamified apps as they motivate students and are successful in helping them make more remarkable progress. After all, we all enjoy learning when it’s fun, no matter how old we are.

You can incorporate this functionality in various forms, such as special badges, level achievements, and contests.

Additional Functionalities

Edtech is constantly evolving with several innovative features capable of helping your app stand out from competitors. Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), micro training, video streaming, and social functionality are some of the most popular and innovative trends in educational app development these days.

Testing And Maintenance

These are both vital parts of education app development and influence its cost. Testing ensures there aren’t any bugs or issues when the app reaches end users. Maintenance costs begin post-development and involve app updates and other modifications.

Testing usually costs around $5,000-$10,000, whereas maintenance generally amounts to 15% of the overall development costs.

Final Thoughts

Based on the information above, the cost of building an education app would be around $60,000-$250,000. Development may cost more if you want to incorporate additional features.

Now that you know the average education app development cost, you can start searching for an experienced app development company to help you build one.

The best way to reduce costs is to build an MVP first. You can reduce development costs and better understand user needs while lowering development costs with one.

Read more: Education is the True Path to Success


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Erin Lane is a creative writer and lifestyle blogger from Canberra, Australia. She is a hard-working, organized, dedicated professional interested in learning new things. With over six years of experience in writing, Erin has covered numerous topics, including health, tech, fashion, fitness, makeup, home improvement, decoration, business, and finances. Erin is an active person who enjoys nature and traveling. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram

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