Category Technology

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4 Tips to secure your iPhone today

how to secure iphone

Your smartphone is part and parcel of your daily life. It is the virtual version of your brain because you store so many essential things in your smartphone. Such as passcodes, important docs, and many more.  Here comes the security…

Impact of DNA Testing on Paternity Assessments

Impact of DNA Testing

Rarely do circumstances arise that call for accurate DNA testing to show parentage. Since the mother who gave birth to the child is both the legal and genetic mother, determining maternity is frequently not difficult. Additionally, in many circumstances, this…

What is Imginn – View and Save Instagram Stories


What is Imginn? Imginn allows you to Download photos, videos and stories from instagram, a very simple instagram downloader to your mobile phone or computer. Watch Instagram stories anonymously. You will need to create additional accounts for your business, and…