Best Of 5 Application That Allows You To Bypass All Internet Restrictions


No matter where you live, your internet can be used by anyone from any corner of the world. This is the time when few countries restrict the internet from being stolen. You may know that cybercrime has increased over the years.

Many of us come across an internet block. If you are one of them, don’t panic. You can read this blog to find out “how to bypass banned sites and internet restrictions”.

If you are confused about why the internet is restricted in many countries and why all the blocked sites are in the existing internet system, you need to read the article first.

Why Should You Restrict Internet Connection?

Suppose someone uses your internet without letting you know. It means they have the ability to access your internet connection. It has the chance to access your data and sensitive information that you have used or saved on your internet network.

We sometimes save passwords like Gmail passwords and social media passwords on Google. If someone can access your internet, they can get to know your passwords that are saved on the Internet. In Fact, you can lose personal information. These are the reasons many of us individually restrict our own internet connection, especially if we are using a Wi-Fi internet connection.

Or, in many cases, the government wants their citizen don’t access certain websites, applications, or specific news portals for specific reasons. It varies the issues and intentions of the governments. In the world, there are many countries and states where the government restricts internet connection for months. Citizens can’t access the entire internet connection.

Why Do Blocked Sites Exist On The Internet?

This is the very common question of general people why blocked sites exist on the internet? What would be the possible reasons for which blocked sites  are existing on the internet —

  1. You all know that the popular game PUBG is banned in many countries, yet few citizens of those countries can play this game by using other countries’ VPNs. In this way, internet users change their geolocation to play this game.
  1. There are many services which is using the geo-blocking tools and restricting internet access in certain countries. The issue can be shown most probably in many applications, social media platforms, news articles, or even entire services. For example, You can’t use Hulu software outside of the origin country. It means the country restricts access to this software for others.
  1. In some cases, many governments block access to certain websites or news ports. The best example should be China. This country blocked Twitter. Citizens or visitors who are using a Chinese internet connection can’t access Twitter.
  2. This is a very bad rule that is followed by many companies. They are not allowed to use their internal connection for personal work. For example, companies don’t allow their employees to use FaceBook or any other social media platforms. Now, you may ask why the companies do this because they don’t want any employee to waste their time by searching Youtube or any social media platforms.
  3. Some countries are conservative with the use of internet connection. Their law restricts access to certain websites like the U.K and India ban many prone websites. England asked the users to verify their age, gender, state, or geographical location.

How To Bypass Blocked Sites?

Suppose you visit such a country where you can access Google. It is really a very irritating and problematic situation for you. Imagine you know how to pass the barricades in the internet area.

So, let’s learn.

1.     Tor Using

When you use TOr, your traffic has to overcome thousands of nodes to reach the destination. In this case, node unblocker helps you.

Sometimes, this process can’t give the result. That is why many users do not follow this trick. For a regular website, it is kind of impossible to know where the request originated. If you are a beginner, then we would like to suggest the next option.

2.     Using VPN

The most common and easy process is VPN. It has many benefits, but from a technology standpoint, it provides you with another country’s IP address to access the sites or internet connection. When a specific site has geo-blocked, you can use VPN to use them. It allows internet restrictions.

3.     Using Smart DNS

The most significant use of Smart DNS is to get a high speed internet connection. This technique is similar to VPN, but the difference is the speed.

In the case of VPN, the information reaches the users in a long way that takes time. But DNS users can get quick information or access. His process has faster results.

4.     Using Free Proxy

Suppose you need to use a certain site or application on an emergency basis that is blocked in your current location; Free Proxy might be able to help you. Free Proxy can hide the IP address that helps you to get the required sites on the Internet.

But, a free proxy lacks encryption, which means it is not as secure as a VPN. When you use this technique, make sure you go through every risk possibility.

5.     Using The Site’s Ip Address

This is another technique to allow internet restrictions. However, when you are aware of the site’s domain name and site’s IP address, you can type them directly on your browser. If you still have not accessed the site, then only type the Site’s IP address because, in many cases, the restriction falls in the domain name; it is not applicable to their IP address.

So you can easily get access to certain websites. We like this trick to possess the barricades of internet restriction. It is a great way to solve your issue, right!!

Final Words

These are the five ways that you can follow to pass the internet restrictions. If you face this type of issue, don’t worry, there are multiple ways that you can follow.

Hopefully, this article has been able to help you to allow internet restrictions. However, technology has changed, and it is updated day by day, so you should follow them and keep track.

Finally, you can visit our website to get more info regarding the same topic.

Read more: How to Check Spectrum Internet Prices?


She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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