Shopify Tools: The Top 5 Tools for Your Online Store

Shopify Tools

Last Updated on July 31, 2024 by Team Experts

Do you own a Shopify Store? And looking to enhance user experience, and business management, boost online store traffic, and smooth business operations.

 The best recommendation is to use top Shopify tools to help you meet your objectives. There are multiple advantages to using these tools. But do you know the best five tools for your online store?

If not, then here I have created the list of these. In this article, you will go through the details and information about the Shopify tools that can help you to run your ecommerce store seamlessly. 

 Let’s start with the blog. 

What is Shopify Tool?

A Shopify tool is a software application that helps businesses expand their Shopify store’s functionality. These tools come with different functionalities, such as: 

  • Logo Maker
  • Domain Name Generator 
  • Business Name Generator 
  • Slogan Maker 
  • Social Bio for Commerce
  • Wholesale Market Place
  • Business Card Maker
  • Invoice Generator 
  • Profit Margin Calculator 
  • Discount Calculator and more. 

If you want to go with the categories, then it works like this:

  • Ecommerce Tools: helps set up store websites, payment processing, inventory management, etc. 
  • Marketing Tools: facilitates businesses to make better reach targeted customers, branding & promotion, social media marketing, and more. 
  • Sales & Customer Support Tools: with the help of sales & customer support tools, you can handle your customers’ queries in a well-mannered way. 
  • Reporting & Analytics Tools: tracking sales and business analytics are crucial for every business so you can take data-driven decisions for better business. 
  • Security & Compliance Tools: these tools can help you to protect your data following compliance laws and regulations. 

The List of Top-5 Shopify Tools for Entrepreneurs

When it comes to using Shopify tools, most entrepreneurs or merchants search for the best tools available for their ecommerce business. So, here are the best 5- tools that you can consider. 

#1. Shopify SKU Generator

The SKU stands for Stock Keeping Units that directly relate to inventory management. You can easily manage your store’s inventory using the Shopify SKU generator.

The SKU tool helps create codes for the products so anyone from your staff remains aware of the products without any difficulty. It also helps in tracking inventory for all purposes. 


  • Automatic SKU generation after product creation
  • Instant visualization SKU results
  • Offers multiple options for automatic abbreviations creation
  • Customized label design for label printing

Pricing Models

  • Free
  • Auto Generation – $1.99/month 
  • Custom Codes- $3.99/month 
  • Premium- $7.99/month

#2. Seguno

Seguno is one of the best Shopify marketing tools that can help you to connect & onboard more customers and promote your product in the best way. It especially helps for e-mail marketing campaigns.  

for example- you can use it to generate welcome emails to your first customers. You can create e-mail directories and e-mail lists that can help you to run e-mail campaigns effectively.


  • Works within Shopify and access blogs, discounts, products and more
  • E-mail automation
  • e-mail designing in less-time collaborating with Canva
  • Send secure e-mails using built-in deliverability and spam protection
  • Custom support available from experts

Pricing Models

  • Free
  • Standard – $10/month

#3. Exchange

Return and refund are crucial activities associated with any ecommerce business. If you own a Shopify store, then the Exchange tool can help you manage returns & refunds best.

In turn, it will help you to create the best customer experience. If any want to create a Shopify store, they can put this tool on their priority list. Not only does it help with refunds you can also utilize it for restocking your inventory.

Its other advantages are streamlined order management and optimized inventory management.    


  • Seamless return & refund management
  • Flexibility while restocking the inventory 
  • Easy exchange order creation
  • Auto-complete customers’ details and modify shipping in a need basis

Pricing Models 

  • Standard- $9.99/month

#4. Drip

Suppose you are in search of a marketing automation tool. In that case, Drip is one of the best tools available on Shopify and drives repeat purchases quickly. Using Drip, you can send e-mails, create product ads, market your products on social media, and more.

One of its best advantages is that you can retarget the customers who visited your store but didn’t buy anything. It also creates reminders for posting social media posts. 


  • Plug and play email templates and pop-ups 
  • Email builder for e-mail marketing
  • Best for multi-channel marketing automation
  • Store and customer data-based segmentation 

Pricing Models

  • Starter- $39/month

 #5. CedCommerce

CedCommerce is an integration for Shopify Catch Marketplace and helps develop streamlined selling operations. Using CedCommerce, merchants can optimize their selling options effortlessly. It updates merchants with the latest inventory and order status in real-time. Additionally, it also helps in automating the product upload process. 


  • Easy listing option on Catch Marketplace. 
  • Allows sellers to sync the orders received on the marketplace with Shopify
  • Inventory template creation
  • It creates orders on Shopify received through Catch 

Pricing Models

  • Free
  • Basic- $39/month
  • Standard- $49/month
  • Advance- $59/ month

How to Choose the Best Shopify Tools for Your Store?

There are multiple Shopify tools or apps available that you can add directly from the Shopify portal. But sometimes it can take time to know which is best for business. Here are a few tips that can help you to find the right tool: 

  • Consider your needs  

First, you need to identify your existing and future needs that you can meet via a Shopify tool such as inventory management, marketing automation, or more. 

  • Access the List

Once you define the purpose, the next step is to access the Shopify tools available at the official Shopify repository. Once you select the tool, the next step is to read info such as its features, what purpose it solves, pricing, and others. 

  • Read reviews 

Suppose you have decided about the tool, then the most important thing you need to do is read the reviews given by other merchants about that tool. If you find the reviews satisfactory, congratulations, you have found your Shopify tool. 

  •  Try a free trial 

Most Shopify tools offer free trials, so you can try them out before you select a paid plan. It will give you an idea that how it works and how you can use it for your ecommerce store. 

The Final Thoughts

The Shopify tools are the best for use if you need to add additional functionalities to your ecommerce store. Suppose you have added a tool, then it will help you to make your website more professional.

On the other hand, using any of the top-5 tools mentioned in this article can also assist you in creating the best shopping experience for your customers. With these tools, you can access multiple features. So, choose a tool, add it to your store, and leverage it for business. 


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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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