5 Awesome Instagram Widget Plugins for WordPress

instagram widget

Last Updated on July 5, 2024 by Team Experts

Instagram widget: While discussing Instagram, it will also be really crucial to look at the ways in which WordPress’ pole position with respect to the craze around it, especially in the realm of aiding the masses to both build, as well as develop their website. The nuanced interactions between them, and their spirit of togetherness brings in great results for the market! 

Here, we will take cognizance of 5 Awesome Instagram Widget Plugins for WordPress that can turnout to be really beneficial for your business. Come on; let us now get started on the same! 

Instagram goals for your business

  • Building a large community
  • Increase brand Visibility
  • Awareness about company’s culture and values
  • Selling products or services.

Awareness and Betterment through 5 Awesome Instagram Widget Plugins for WordPress:

Social media has largely been contributing in the field of creating both brand awareness, and brand reputation. We have to take account of the fact that we live in a digital, technological age, more so in the trying times of pandemic where the digital impact tends to surpass everything else.

Thus, if one’s WordPress website displays Insta content, you may experience an elevation in the number of followers, which can actively contribute in building the mind of social media presence that one intently aspires to. These platforms enable their customers to interact with their chosen brand, discover new information regarding them, and most importantly make up their minds. This process, thus, can be called a way of achieving “social validation” through “social proof”. 

  • Social Media Aggregator:

To begin with , we would like to introduce Social media aggregator as an extremely coveted, and on-demand plugin for WordPress websites across the world. Tagembed asserts the availability of this plugin. There are several functions that this plugin is known for. However, we would like to bring to your notice that it primarily helps one procure, amass and customize one’s Insta feed, and it helps you fetch, curate, and customize your Insta feed, and display them with a certain degree of uniformity z as well as precision in front of the takers. This provides room for an interactive aspect with the visitors, which makes this plugin stand out! 

Furthermore, You can make your widget look more attractive by choosing everything according to your own terms, including the background. In short, you can stylise your own website. Isn’t that absolutely amazing? Last, but not the least, when you consider something an extra, and don’t want to be bugged by the same, you can also go for the filtering option!

  • InstaLink:

If you ask the marketers about some of their favourite plugins, they will definitely mention InstaLink as one of the leading ones. Do you know the reason behind this popularity? Well, as per sources the function of this widget is to amass all the necessary contents from Instagram simply by manipulating the necessary usernames, hashtags and more. What happens next is that these are carefully  displayed, precisely on WordPress sites.

Furthermore, it enables its users to make best use of the existing technologies to design one’s own feed according to one’s own choice, and make it look particularly appealing. In fact, it is after using this plugin that a lot of people have received a great deal of return in terms of business enhancement. Their particularly user-friendly nature is a hit with all!

  • Instagram Journal:

If we have to plunge into the world of plugins, Instagram Journal will emerge as one of the most popular, and powerful plugins that exists in the WordPress domain. It is very well-known for its elegance, and the element of irrevocable beauty attached to it, which also reflects in your website. 

They technically collect all the necessary content together, and after procuring them from once Instagram handle, next, it is very beautifully common and categorically displeased on the website concerned. This enables you to have a greater degree of followers on your social media profile, and increase the reach of your business.

Finally, you can self-style your website as you can choose from the array of options that this widget offers in terms of customisation. 

  • Instagram Feed WD

Instagram Feed WD is a fantastic plugin that makes room for excellent representation of your Instagram in your Website. It is particularly popular for being extremely marketer-friendly, thereby contributing in business expansion.

One of the most important things about this widget is that it is coding-free, and is compatible with any device at all. The lucid nature of this plugin is what the consumers find most appealing! 

  • WordPress Social Board

WordPress Social Board is doing an absolutely fantastic job in this realm. It enables you to display content from several social media platforms, thereby increasing the chances of your business enhancement.

Not only do you get the chance to customise your own website, and make it look amazing, but it also enables you to have a customer base out of your visitors. In fact, this plugin is sold visitor friendly. To top it all, this plugin is particularly known for its quick, receptive nature.


We all are aware of the fact by now that Instagram serves as one of the most effective social media platforms that can help you take the graph of your business upwards. Once you know how to properly manipulate the social media platforms and gain followers, there’s almost no going back! Once you can successfully start to display your important Instagram content right on your website, your business will automatically achieve everything that it aspires to! We hope this blog helps you gain some ideas & social traffic for the same. For better results, you can hire remote WordPress developers, who can develop scalable websites along with enhancing your business opportunities.

Also read about: Reasons why Instagram Advertising Important For Your Business


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