Why Coding is an Important Skill for Digital Marketers

Digital Marketers

Last Updated on July 17, 2024 by Team Experts

Learning how to program and code things like websites and apps can only be a good thing for digital marketers. The fact is that marketing is becoming more complex because of the many online platforms that marketers are being forced to use. For example, if you were drawing insights from big data that your company was producing, wouldn’t it be better if you could go back and check the validity of the data by understanding how the big data analytics were actually working. That is just one way that learning how to code may help you as a digital marketer both now and in the future.

Building Your Own Website

You can start with something like WordPress, but as your digital marketing progresses and your website becomes more popular, you are going to want a website that better caters to your customers. Perhaps you will build a dynamic website that shows different suggested items to different people. Even if you do not build your website from the ground up, you can still learn how to hone and optimize it if you learn how to code a website. 

Building Your Own App

Many digital marketers apply a little of their knowledge and time towards having an app. There are some businesses that can really use an app, especially if they are selling services or products that are bought frequently. If you learn how to code, you can create your own app. Just like making your own website, you don’t have to build it from the ground up. You can have somebody else do all the hard work, and then use your programming skills to fix up, change and optimize your app as your business grows. 

Security in the Digital World

You may say to yourself that you can hire the best security experts in the world, or that your website will have security services installed, or even that your app and website developers would never compromise security…but how can you be so sure? Well, the first way you can be sure is to learn coding yourself and then look over their work. Programming code is just like another language. You can learn enough to read a language without being skilled enough to create something from it. You can learn how to read French without needing the skills to write an essay in French. If you learn coding, you can check over the work of the people who create apps or websites, and you can see if they have left backdoor or security holes.

One of the reasons why children should take online coding for kids classes is, so they can protect themselves better in the future. One can only assume that things are going to go even more online and even more digital as time goes on, and it would be good if kids could grow up to check the integrity of the many digital tools they will surely end up using. 

The truth is that we don’t know how digital marketing is going to grow and in which directions it is going to flow. But, it is safe to assume that programming and coding will become a bigger part of the process as the Internet and online commerce continues to diversify.

Read more: 3 Things to Consider Before Updating Your Website


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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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