Common Video Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Video Marketing Mistakes

Last Updated on July 9, 2024 by Team Experts

If you ask many people what makes a corporate video successful, they will tell you all sorts of things, such as using a high-quality camera and making sure there is sufficient lighting during shooting. While these are important, there are also other things that need to be taken care of for a video to be successful. This is often a challenge to many people. This article gives more information on common video mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Making Very Long Videos

Making very long videos is one of the most common mistakes people make. People tend to have a short attention span when it comes to watching things on the internet. They are interested in short and straight-to-the-point things. A 30-90 seconds video is much better than a 2-hours long one. 

Having The Wrong Video Marketing Partner

Sometimes, you can choose to work with a video production company, such as Toronto video companies, instead of doing all the work by yourself. If you go for a company that does not have the resources or expertise, you can be assured that they will create something that creates a poor representation of your brand. To avoid that, do some research about these companies before working with them. That way, you can be sure they will deliver great results that suit your specific needs. 

Lacking A Clear Call To Action

If you don’t include a clear call to action, viewers will be confused about what to do after the video is over. A call to action is simply a request or an instruction to guide someone on what they can do, now that they have already viewed your video. Don’t assume they know what they should do. Instead, guide them clearly. Make sure that all your videos have a clear call to action that reflects their purpose. Some of the most effective prompts include:

  • Call today
  • Subscribe
  • Book an appointment

Not Promoting the Videos

If you don’t promote your videos, no one will know about their existence, which translates to a few or no views. There are several marketing platforms you can use to promote the videos, including your blog, landing page, and even email marketing campaigns. 

Focusing More on The Product and Ignoring the Audience

Sometimes, you may be tempted to talk more about your product, giving all its details. Some people do that and forget to tell their audience what value the product can add to their lives. Don’t fall into that trap since people are always attracted to what gives them value or solves their problems. 

Expecting Results Instantly

Many companies create videos hoping that they will achieve success instantly. This is not always the case. Even the most successful videos did not get there overnight. They are a result of a clear and well-planned market strategy, which often takes time. You need to give the videos some time to gain momentum, as people view and even share.

Videos play a very big role in the marketing campaign of a brand. If you can be able to avoid the video marketing mistakes highlighted above, you will be able to create videos that connect and engage with your target audience and achieve your goals.

Read also: 10 Reasons To Use Filmora As A Video Editor


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