Tag seo

8 Ways to Find Hidden SEO Opportunities

SEO Opportunities

Search engine optimization certainly isn’t getting easier as the years go on. It’s increasingly competitive and difficult to find opportunities that will allow you to rank above your competitors or get any visibility in search engines at all. To make the…

What is SEO? On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO

What is SEO

SEO is short form for “Search engine optimization”. It is a long-term marketing strategy employed in order to improve a websites visibility and organic search results in google and other global search engines. There are two types of SEO: on-page…

Keeping Your SEO Fresh

Keeping Your SEO Fresh

You may love it or hate it, but there is no denying that SEO is the backbone of successful online marketing. This claim has never been so true as the current pandemic has brought even most reluctant businesses online making…

Why is Search Crawling Important in SEO?

Search Crawling

Let’s learn about the complete search optimization tactics and why crawling is so important today? What is SEO Crawling? The process of locating new or updated pages to add to Google is known as crawling (Google crawled my website). The…