How to Set up an Online Business in Australia

set up an online business in australia

Last Updated on July 25, 2024 by Team Experts

Creating your own internet business is a terrific strategy to go independent and gain financial stability. The internet world is unquestionably the business platform of the future, and you can do it from the convenience of your own home. Australia’s online shopping increased dramatically during the worldwide pandemic and has continued to rise subsequently. According to Australia Post, the national average of online transactions increased by 16.6% in 2021 compared to the previous year. This upward trend is predicted to continue for a very long time.

If you want a piece of the projected US$45.5 billion in online retail sales in 2022, now is most definitely the time to get started. However, operating an internet business is more difficult than making an Amazon purchase. Before you can begin, you have to clear a lot of hurdles. Do not worry; we have you covered with our guide to the essential issues you must resolve to begin.

1. Set Your Online Business’s Objectives

If you are unsure of the type of business you want to launch, there is no use in doing so. Obviously! What sort of business do you wish to launch, then? Will you be making any sales? offering a service? Will it be a part-time or full-time job? Do you have any business partners with you, or are you going it alone?

You could just want to continue doing what you already do for a living and run it your way rather than working for someone else. Another possibility is that you have a pastime or passion that you may use to supplement your income. Your choice here will have an impact on how your firm is set up. The characteristics and regulations for setting up as a Sole Trader vs a Company or Partnership will be very different.

Once you’ve decided what you want to accomplish, speak with an accountant and a lawyer to work out the details and seek guidance on how to get started while abiding by the law.

2. Publish Your Company

Yes, we have now arrived at the dismal legal aspect of launching a business in Australia. It’s important to set everything up properly from the beginning since there are some rather strict standards you must follow. Failing to adhere to the letter of the law on these matters may result in serious consequences down the road.

First and foremost, every Australian company has to get an ABN (ABN). Your company is recognized as a legitimate corporation by this 11-digit number, which enables you to lawfully conduct business in Australia. Applying online using the Australian Government website is free.

Once you have your ABN, you may set up taxes, create your website domain, create invoices for your clients, and make business purchases. To save time and effort, register your company name at the same time as you apply for your ABN.

3. Establish Your Website

It’s time to launch your website once everything is settled with the taxman and the authorities. Before you begin creating your website, there are four important things to keep in mind. 


Select a website design platform that enables you to perform all the tasks your company will require. This might entail having an online store, a mechanism to schedule appointments, or a specific area that is only accessible to members. If you want to keep things simple, you may choose a more user-friendly content management system (CMS), albeit it does have certain restrictions on how much you can do. For novices or anyone with a business that merely needs a minimal upkeep website, simple website builders are a terrific option.

As an alternative, you may look at something like WordPress hosting if you feel like getting your hands dirty in the digital world to create something more customized. This route will take more DIY and upkeep, but it also gives you the chance to investigate more sophisticated choices, such as e-commerce. Consider what your company and website must provide, then look at a few possibilities to see which is ideal for you.


To prevent any misunderstandings about who you are and if website visitors have reached the correct website, you should choose a domain name that closely resembles your business name. You don’t want any unpleasant misinterpretations like the ones Old Man’s Haven encountered because of the URL’s absence of punctuation! To offer yourself the best chance of establishing a good online presence, try to abide by a few best practice guidelines. 

One another important factor is to choose either the .com or domain. It’s so simple how to decide to use which option. If you are going to work and expand your business through Australia, choosing is a very better choice. In case your business is thought to be worldwide going for .com will be best for you. 

Improving your website

Here we come with the question of how to improve your website to attract more customers. Digital marketing strategies are set and meant to help you in this process. The most reliable and valid approach to use is Search Engine Optimization, which is basically called SEO. SEO helps you to make each page and part of your website perfect and it tries to upper your ranking on SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Now, you need to clarify another telling factor, are you going to offer services/products to all of Australia or just a city and its neighborhood?

If you go with the ladder option, undoubtedly local SEO is the best choice for you. Local SEO focuses on a specific region to attract new clients for you. For a Brisbane-based business using local SEO Sydney services will be practical. 

4. Organizing Payments

You’re launching a business to make money. Therefore, you’ll need a method for clients to pay you. The form of payment you select will primarily rely on the product you’re selling. Customers will need a checkout system to utilize digital wallets like Google Pay or Apple Wallet, PayPal, or POLi, or to input their credit card information. However, paying for services or subscriptions will need setting up monthly or yearly direct debits.

Think about your product and the most convenient payment option for clients. As many of them as possible must find it simple to pay because if they can’t, they won’t. And even while more people are utilizing other payment methods, credit and debit cards are still used for 50% of internet purchases.


You may launch your internet company and increase your chances of success by following these four crucial starting pieces of advice. Starting and managing a business is not that easy which everyone can handle and it is not that hard which no one can handle it. We hope we could provide sufficient information for you to begin your business journey.

Read more: Is Laptop Important for Small Business Owner?


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