Restaurant App Development: What Features Do Users Need?

Restaurant App Development

Last Updated on July 17, 2024 by Team Experts

Almost everyone has used a restaurant app at least once. Whether it’s to find a new place to eat or to check out the menu of their favorite spot, restaurant apps are extremely popular. But what features do users need in a restaurant app? And how to make sure your app provides them? Keep reading for insights from our latest survey on restaurant app development.

Restaurant App Development Features

If you’re thinking about developing a restaurant app, you’re probably wondering what features your users will need and want. After all, there’s no point in investing time and resources into something that won’t meet the needs of those who will be using it.

We’ll take a look at some of the key features that restaurant app users will be looking for. We’ll also provide some insights into how these features can be implemented to create a successful and user-friendly restaurant app. For top restaurant app development services, look out for these features:

1. A Comprehensive List of Restaurants 

One of the most important features that restaurant app users will need is a comprehensive list of restaurants. This list should include not only the name and location of each restaurant, but also information about the type of cuisine they serve, their opening hours, and so on.

2. The Ability to Filter Restaurant Listings

Once users have a comprehensive list of restaurants at their disposal, they’ll want to be able to filter those listings according to their own needs and preferences. For example, they may want to only see Italian restaurants that are open for lunch, or Chinese restaurants that are within walking distance.

3. Detailed Restaurant Information 

Once users have found a restaurant that meets their needs, they’ll want to be able to see detailed information about it before making a decision. This information should include things like the restaurant’s menu, reviews from other diners, and contact details.

4. GPS-based Directions

Now, as users have decided on a restaurant, they’ll need to be able to get directions to it. This is where GPS-based directions come in handy, as they can help users find the quickest and easiest route to their chosen restaurant.

5. Different Call to Order Features

When the waiter approaches & we haven’t yet chosen what to order, we must call him up. Today’s age has a lot of smartphone experience, and many people are more comfortable ordering things online. Thus, restaurant app development services can help you cut down on order wait times and boost the loyalty of consumers who are used to communicating.

6. The Ability to Make Reservations 

For many restaurant app users, the ability to make reservations will be a key feature. This feature should allow users to select the date, time, and number of people in their party, and then make a reservation accordingly.

7. Push Notifications 

Another useful feature for the users of restaurant apps is push notifications. These can be used to remind users of upcoming reservations, or to let them know about special offers and discounts that may be of interest to them.

8. Bonus & Rewards System

Rather than a bonus, developers should offer actual value to users: allowing them to install the product, use it for orders, accumulate points, etc. It is vital to design any bonus system properly, to organize it well, and to offer value to the user.

But the obvious logic of receiving bonuses must always be made clear  before the beginning of your restaurant app development. Moroeber, for such a bonus system, you need good developers that can write complex code with ease. Thus, we advise you to get guidance from a top mobile app development company too.

9. Payment Integration 

Many restaurant app users will also appreciate the ability to pay for their meals directly through the app. This can be done by integrating with a payment processor such as PayPal or Stripe, or by allowing users to add their credit card details to the app for future use.

Developing a restaurant app can be a great way to help more people find and enjoy your food. However, make sure that your app meets your target audience’s expectations. By including the features listed above, you can be sure that your restaurant app will be user-friendly and successful.

Restaurant App Development Cost

The restaurant app development cost can vary depending on many factors. The most crucial factor is the complexity and size of the app. A simple app having basic features will cost less than a complex app with multiple features. Other important factors include the platform (iOS, Android, etc.), the restaurant app development company & their development team (in-house or outsourced), and the location of the development team (US, Europe, Asia, etc.).

To get a better idea of the cost of developing a restaurant app, let’s take a look at some specific examples:

  • Simple iOS app with basic features could cost around $15,000 to develop.
  • A complex iOS app with multiple features could cost around $50,000 to develop.
  • Simple Android app with basic features could cost around $10,000 to develop.
  • A complex Android app with multiple features could cost around $40,000 to develop.

It is evident that the cost of restaurant app development varies significantly depending on the factors mentioned above. If you’re looking to get a restaurant app developed, be sure to get in touch with a reputable development team to get an accurate quote for your specific project.

Last Say

Restaurant app users need features that make their dining experience easier and faster. They also want the ability to save money on food, find new restaurants, and receive loyalty rewards. Developers should consider these needs when creating a restaurant app. All in all, look out for these features when planning for restaurant app development services and you will get all the worthy outcomes soon.


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Anil is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable person who is a Technology evangelist. He's always been fascinated at work especially at innovation that causes benefit to the students, working professionals or the companies. Being unique and thinking Innovative is what he loves the most, supporting his thoughts he will be ahead for any change valuing social responsibility with a reprising innovation. His interest in various fields and the urge to explore, led him to find places to put himself to work and design things than just learning. Follow him on LinkedIn

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