7 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Sleep With Wet Hair

NEVER Sleep With Wet Hair

Last Updated on June 11, 2024 by Team Experts

If you are aware of the old adage that says one should never eat before going swimming and you have probably also been told that don’t sleep with wet hair, it will make you sick.

With little evidence or explanation, you’ve likely ignored this warning, but could you be putting yourself in danger?

On this page, you will get to know 7 scientific reasons that suggest why you should not sleep with wet hair. Let’s begin. 

It can cause severe hair breakage

Sleeping with wet hair can cause damage and breakage to your hair. Wet hair is more fragile than dry hair, and sleeping on it can cause it to break and split. This is especially true if you toss and turn during the night. Over time, sleeping with wet hair can cause damage that is difficult to repair.

It will cause scalp infection

Sleeping with wet hair can also lead to scalp infections. When your hair is wet, it provides a moist environment for bacteria and fungus to grow. This can lead to dandruff, scalp acne, and other types of infections. These infections can be difficult to treat and can cause long-term damage to your scalp and hair.

It can make you feel cold

Sleeping with wet hair can also make you feel cold. When your hair is wet, it can lower your body temperature and make you feel cooler than you are. This can lead to a restless night’s sleep and it can be difficult to get up in the morning.

You have to spend more time on hair styling

Sleeping with wet hair can ruin your hairstyle. When you sleep with wet hair, your hair can become frizzy and tangled. This can make it difficult to style your hair the next day. It can also make it difficult to get the look you want, which can be frustrating.

Slow down hair growth

According to some hair experts, sleeping with wet hair can also slow down hair growth. Wet hair is more prone to breakage and may take longer to dry. This can lead to weaker hair that breaks more easily. Over time, this can slow down the rate of hair growth, which can be frustrating if you are trying to grow your hair out.

It can lead to hair loss

Going to bed with wet hair can outcome in hair loss and, more specifically, scalp ringworm. Scalp ringworm is a kind of fungal infection, caused by hot and damp conditions. 

It can give you headaches

Few hair care specialists say that sleeping with wet manes aid lowers body temperature and this causes headaches as the body tries to warm up. Other experts believe that going to bed with your hair wrapped in a towel causes pain and may even disturb your sleep.

What you should do instead?

To lessen the risk of damage or problems from having wet hair when sleeping, an individual can try the techniques given below.

  • Wash hair less in the evening

The number of times people wash their mane in one week is down to preference.

A study suggests that a person may wash their hair every day without causing an issue. Frequent and daily cleansing with a harsh chemical-free shampoo will not damage the hair.

  • Lengthen the time between washing and sleeping

Try starting your bedtime routine earlier, including washing your hair earlier. This can assist them have drier hair at the time to go to bed. This will help reduce the risk of it being damp and making an environment for fungus to grow.

  • Use conditioner to prevent breakage

To keep your hair healthy and reduce the risk of damage, you can use either conditioner or a two-in-one conditioner (also known as 2-in-1 shampoo) every time you wash your hair. After shampooing, the silicone ingredient in the conditioner replaces sebum oil, making the hair shiny, and soft.

  • Moisturize hair with organ oil or coconut oil

Moisturizing hair with this oil may be beneficial as they penetrate the outer cells.

Research shows that coconut oil can reduce protein loss in damaged hair. additionally, argan oil helps to moisturize hair.

In Conclusion,

There are many reasons why you should never sleep with wet hair. It can be a minor inconvenience but will lead to several health problems. To avoid these, it is best to dry your hair before going to bed.

If you are facing hair loss issues and considering hair transplant surgery then it is recommended to consult with the best hair transplant doctor, who has extensive experience in performing hair transplant treatment and has a proven track record of good results. You can check the doctor’s credentials, board certifications, and reviews from previous patients. 

Read more: Top 5 Reasons Behind Hair Loss – Symptoms of Hair Loss


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