Get Yourself A Unique And Enthralling Audio NFT Of Madhushala

NFT Of Madhushala

Last Updated on July 9, 2024 by Team Experts

Non-fungible tokens have been deemed as the leader of the present digital revolution that is taking place all over the world at a rapid pace. It has been highly influential in numerous countries. In India, it is gradually picking up the pace but comparatively, it hasn’t hit the expected bar and this slow pace is termed as the insufficiency towards the promoting factors in the country and the awareness among the Indian digital population is quite less. The involvement of the Bollywood industry is increasing the pace gradually and it has reached numerous digital users and they are interested in investing their time and resources in the NFT domain. Amitabh Bachchan NFT of madhushala is the frontrunner in leading this digital revolution in India. He has always shown a keen interest in technological advancements on a regular basis.

Amitabh Bachchan is one of the greatest actors of our time. He has won numerous accolades and awards in his illustrious career. His contribution to Indian cinema is unparalleled and he is often called Bollywood’s Shahenshah.

Amitabh Bachchan’s initial steps into the NFT domain were commenced by developing his own non-fungible tokens. He created an NFT collection of his memorabilia and his achievements; Madhushala NFT, Big B Punks & NFT art, loot box, and vintage movie posters. Among these unique NFT collectibles, Madhushala is the dearest to Mr.Amitabh Bachchan.

Madhushala- The Essence Of Life

Madhushala is a Hindi literary classic that was written by Harivansh Rai Bachchan, father of Amitabh Bachchan. This poem focuses on capturing the essence of life and it is depicted in an ironical and allegorical way.

This poem is a testament to the concept of how life should be perceived and lived accordingly. This poem is ironic in its own way because it is about wine. The poet depicts the flow of life with reference to the components of wine. Everything is spoken comparatively with the phase of time; the past, present, and future.

The smart depiction of the poem relative to various components of life has taken over the hearts of thousands of readers and it is still continuing to do so within the younger generation. Madhushala is a benchmark for every Hindi literary aspirant. It teaches the young aspirants to cover every nuke and corner of a poem structure and advance in their passion.

Madhushala, to even the present day, is inspiring people to have clarity about life with its soothing and impactful writing. Amitabh Bachchan is also among this inspired group of people. He has taken this poem to his heart and to show respect, appreciation, and affection to his father’s literary masterpiece, he has recited this poem in his own voice and has minted it into an audio-based NFT. This digital asset can be bought on his drop site known as BeyondLife club.

Other Non-Fungible Tokens From Amitabh’s Collection

Loot Box is an exclusive NFT where buyers can win only one NFT out of other Amitabh’s NFTs that are presented inside the box. This is an exciting way to buy and test out your luck.

Big B Punks and NFT art are unique NFT art that is designed meticulously with the trademark attributes of Amitabh Bachchan; hairstyle, headband, eyewear, neckwear, facial hair, etc. This NFT has a key futuristic benefit; the ability to be traded on secondary marketplaces.

Vintage movie posters is a video-based NFT where a video of Amitabh Bachchan autographing his hit movie posters is minted into an NFT and a physical copy of that autographed poster is delivered to the respective buyer.


These exciting non-fungible tokens are bought from Amitabh’s exclusive drop site known as BeyondLife club. The process to buy these digital assets are very simple. Create an account, fund your wallet, and initiate the bidding and buying process.

Read also: Is It The Best Time To Invest In NFT Marketplaces?


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