Enhancing Healthcare Services Through Information Technology

The healthcare sector has seen some tremendous transformations, thanks to some excellent IT solutions. They are mostly impacted by three major modern IT technologies: mobility, cloud, and big data. These technologies have now made convenient and hassle-free communication across various channels. A high percentage of experts in the IT field have predicted that close to 70 percent of healthcare companies/organizations will invest in healthcare mobile app development, smart wearable, remote monitoring devices, and virtual care by the end of 2019. They also mentioned that about 65 percent of healthcare-related transactions would be made on mobile devices by the end of 2019, and 80 percent of healthcare data will move to the cloud by the end of 2021. Along with this, you must know how Telemedicine is transforming the healthcare industry for good.  

The capabilities of IT solutions in the healthcare industry:

  • Significantly bring down medical errors and improve the safety of patients. 
  • Make use of data in such a way that it is both effective as well as available across various electronic health records.
  • Allow patients with chronic diseases to manage their health in a better way and prevent any kind of complications.
  • Keep track of patients’ health status from a remote location and offer treatment as required by the current medical conditions.
  • Integrate an application with a variety of medical devices that are responsible for reporting as well as tracking critical patient information
  • Receive warnings in the form of alarms when abnormal vital signs are detected
  • Monitor patient’s health behaviors with the help of applications over a long period of time
  • Track, view, and update patient information, pharmaceutical records, examine results, and other vital signs in an online chat, which can be checked to compare with other databases.
  • Offer new patients some of the most sophisticated engagement tools/devices.
  • Easily find information on-the-move
  • Make proper communication with nurses and other staff from a smart mobile device.

IT solutions for a hospital management 

A successful example of how IT solutions have helped can be seen in a highly recognized Philadelphia-based hospital. The hospital ran a study introducing a mobile healthcare application that could send notifications in the mailbox or simply as a text message to at least 350 congestive heart failure patients. While the study was undergoing, patients received reminders to prepare themselves to schedule appointments after being discharged. This made reductions in a hospital’s 30-day readmissions in a range of 10% to 40% over their baseline.

After going through the above information, it is evident how IT solutions can uplift our healthcare standards. With that being said, you can get healthcare IT solutions and other credible and trustworthy services. To hire top-class, commprise healthcare IT support services, you must look online for the providers. Make sure you go through their website and compare their services with price ranges. Along with this, after shortlisting the best once, ensure that you checked the feedback and previous work before hiring the one. 


She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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