How do I start Planning my Wedding?

How do I start Planning my Wedding

Last Updated on July 31, 2024 by Team Experts

Since wedding season is here, every bride-to-be is perplexed with the same question.

With all the preparations at the forefront, it can get a bit intimidating to manage all the tasks at hand efficiently. From finalizing the venue to deciding on the clothes, there is a lot to get done in a few months. So to help you out with your wedding planning here are some tips to keep in mind.

  • Organize your Thoughts-

The very first step in planning your wedding would be to make a To-do list.

Get started by jotting down all your thoughts in your mind. Write down all the necessities like the budget for various expenses like venue, catering, event managers that you are going to hire, wedding dresses, Gifts for the guests, wedding invitations, Jewellery, etc.

  • Start Booking Already-

With the peak wedding season arriving you would need to book at least a few things well in advance, like the Venue, makeup artists, and your outfit designers. This will ensure there is no last-minute hassle and all the planning goes smoothly.

Make sure to enquire about each of the vendor’s advance payments and go through all the terms and conditions thoroughly to avoid any mismanagement.

  • Get Set Shopping! –

Once you have booked all the major items on your list, it’s time to go for actual shopping. Before shopping take inspiration from the latest trends in the market. Get ideas from the latest fashion weeks, and refer to websites like Pinterest for inspiration on multiple things such as designer wedding outfits, Henna styles, ceremonial decorations, jewelry, etc. Once you have all the ideas fed into your mind, it will become easier to materialize them.

  • Inspiration for Destination Wedding-

If at all, you happen to choose to get wedded at a location away from your current living scenario or your hometown, one of the top recommendations would be the royal state of Rajasthan. Destination weddings in Rajasthan, offer a regal touch to the wedding landscape with grand destinations like Udaipur, Jaipur, and some offbeat yet charming places like Shekhawati (Alsisar Mahal).

The rich heritage of Rajasthan, the cultural intricacies, and the local delicacies make all the efforts worthwhile.

  • Take a Calculated Approach-

While preparing for the wedding, it’s easy to get swayed away with all the tasks. However, it is crucial to keep in mind the budget that you have allocated to each expense. Try to stay within the stipulated limit, and don’t forget to check the balance you are left with at the end of a particular task. This will ensure you still have money on you and will save you from any embarrassment.

  • Make an Appointment with the Aesthetician-

It’s your wedding, and we are sure you wanna look your best. So consult a dermatologist who will make you understand what your skin type is and what procedures you can do to achieve flawless skin for your wedding day. It is wise to consult one at least 4 months before your wedding so that you have ample time for all the procedures to show their effect on your skin.

  • Send out Invitations to Friends and Family-

It is time to invite your near and dear ones to celebrate your special day. Prepare a list of all the close and distant relatives you would want to invite, Do the same with your friend list, and send the invitations out.

  • Take Care of your Health-

While you engage in all the planning and preparation of your wedding, don’t let your health take a back seat. Keep hydrated, eat your meals on time, and if needed add health supplements to your daily routine, these supplements will not only make sure your deficiencies get replenished also your energy levels will be maintained leaving you active and fresh for the D-Day.

  • Consult a Doctor-

Yes! It is very crucial to consult a gynecologist/ andrologist before you go ahead and tie the knot. This step will help you check if you have any STIs or UTIs and how to eradicate them. This will ensure you have a safe future with your beloved.

  • Have a Little Fun-

Plan fun activities for your wedding, like a game of cards, talk to your wedding planner to add in a few shopping kiosks for a different yet memorable experience for your guests. A game of colors for your Haldi ceremony will add a fun element to the ceremony.


Now that you have all the necessary tips to follow while planning your wedding, go ahead and get started with manifesting your dream wedding.


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