Everything You Need to Know About the Incredible Features and Tools of Wrike and Jira

jira review

Last Updated on July 19, 2024 by Team Experts

Wrike is a web-based interaction and project management platform that helps users manage projects from start to finish and offers full control over tasks and projects. With this program, project managers and associated staff get an efficient way to collect and organize project requirements, visualize schedules, and create project plans on a Gantt chart. The final idea covers projects from initial requirements to tracking work records and reporting results. As the business evolves, plans can be easily adjusted and everyone involved can be updated. A custom report builder helps users break down project data and present results to executives or teams.

Jira Software is based on the Jira Core platform

This way, you will be offered all the features and functionality of Jira Core on Jira Software, but you will have additional agile features available.

It supports any project management process for software development, such as:

This software projects the backlog into sprints with fully adaptable Kanban and Scrum boards and can also estimate the time to issues as you tackle your backlog. Jira review includes some robust reporting features, from burndown charts to velocity measurements and customizable workflows to fit your frameworks.

How does Wrike manage your projects?

Wrike is a powerful team tool that is highly rated as both collaboration and project management software owned by Citrix. It also added new intelligence features that, for example, can analyze when a project is at risk of falling behind and pay attention to possible causes. It is quite expensive but very easy to set up.

Wrike is project management software that helps you organize projects, integrate with your team, and track your business’s workflow. It organizes your tasks and assignments as well as facilitates collaboration and file transfer with your team. It has everything you need to effectively manage projects from a single, authentic space.

Wrike and Jira are two of the most popular tools for project management, and they’re both used by teams all over the world. If you’ve never used either before, or you’re just curious about what they can do for your team, this article will help you get up to speed on their features and how they can be used together.

First things first: what is Wrike? Well, it’s a cloud-based project management tool that makes it easy to plan work, assign tasks, and manage deadlines. Wrike review offers powerful functionality for creating reports and analytics about your projects’ progress.

Wrike also has a number of tools specifically designed for team collaboration: task templates allow you to create tasks that are customized based on the type of work being done (e.g., if someone in your team needs to write an email), while document templates let people share files without having to manually upload them every time they need them.

Finally, Wrike gives teams unlimited storage space for storing documents related to their projects—so if you have tons of documents from previous projects that you want access to but don’t want to clutter up your hard drive (or take up space in Google Drive), this is a great option!

Who can benefit from this platform?

While most Wrike users see it as a tool for use on both large and small devices, this management strategy is aimed at enterprise-level users.

  • Function
  • Gantt charts
  • Detailed reporting
  • Advanced security features
  • A three-pane view to keep everything at your fingertips
  • Forms and requests to create and complete tasks and visualize your data with Analytics
  • Tags and folders for viewing and sharing project data
  • A task tool for tracking individual and overall task progress
  • Enterprise-level project management capabilities
  • Built-in time tracking software
  • Detailed analyzes and reports for calculating outputs
  • Two-factor authentication support

Price and specifications

Price per person per month $24.80

Storage space included in the price of 50 GB

Free version available Yes

User view

Wrike helps teams smartly manage projects and work in progress. Although it offers a large assortment of features and is easy to use, it is almost impossible to get started without consulting customer service. It has special account types for marketing/creative teams and professional services and can manage both projects and work in progress. Its new smart features flag projects at risk of slipping.

Planning and managing tasks with Jira

With Jira, there’s no shortage of ways to stay in the loop. Jira manages your updates using tools like email, chat, or digital gadgets. It helps your team get work done efficiently through a new mobile interface. Jira can be used to capture and manage your team’s issues and prioritize them, helping team members use their time to build a great software program.

Jira has workflows that match the existing processes that you can easily adapt as your team evolves, and with the Jira Agile add-on – you can even plan agile sprints. Jira’s simple and intuitive interface lets you communicate with teammates and get work done more efficiently. Combining JIRA’s @mentions and attribution features with the power of Confluence and HipChat brings you additional benefits. This software can monitor activity flows, share information with powerful dashboards and wall panels, and also increase the efficiency of your IT team.


  • API
  • Access/authorization control
  • Activity control panel
  • Activity tracking
  • Agile methodologies
  • Notice/Notification
  • Calendar management
  • Collaboration tools
  • Comments/Notes
  • Drag & Drop
  • File sharing
  • Gantt/timeline view
  • Idea management
  • Problem management
  • Kanban board
  • Tracking milestones
  • Portfolio management
  • Setting priorities
  • Tracking progress
  • Project planning
  • Project planning/scheduling
  • Reporting and statistics
  • Project Reporting/Monitoring
  • Resource management
  • Risk management
  • Status monitoring
  • Task management
  • Third-Party Integration
  • Time and expense tracking
  • Traditional methodology
  • Workflow management


Jira Software offers flexible pricing options

Small Teams: $0 per user/month for up to 10 users

Growing Teams: $7 per user/month for 11 to 10,000 users

What are users saying about Jira?

Jira is pretty straightforward. Once you get the hang of how to set up Jira and subscribe to notifications, it works on autopilot to help track complex issues and monitor progress. Its weak integration is very useful and the ability to write JQL and integrate with Google Sheets is extremely useful. Jira is a complete and very user-friendly workflow management tool that allows you to optimize working time with perfect management of all tasks, collaborators, and project deadlines.

Jira which is the best project management software has the most critical features that every small to enterprise company uses to manage project management, application development, time tracking, workflow automation for various business cases, and integration with external applications such as Copado (CI/CD) for Salesforce. Jira is a very important use in your company. All teams use Jira to manage all deliverables and track project management, feature releases, etc.

Jira has a lot of features. At a basic level, it’s intuitive. It provides a range of customization and customization options. Integrating with other applications is relatively easy with Jira.


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