How To Embed Pinterest Board On Website – Most Effective Ways

Embed Pinterest Board

Last Updated on July 9, 2024 by Team Experts

How about building an impressive and engaging website with minimum effort? Sounds worthy, right? So if you are looking to enhance your website’s visual website with the minimum of fuss and get great returns, then you are in the right place. This blog will mention some of the simplest yet effective ways to enhance the website’s charm.

No one can deny that images and videos add great appeal; they are colorful, playful, and stay fresh in the mind of the visitors. And hence adding them to the website can turn out to be a smart way to add beauty to your website.

But there are some flaws in this strategy. Like, you have to search for the images take are related to your brand. Or you have to keep changing the images on a regular basis so that it does not look monotonous to your visitors. Or images and videos might affect the speed of the website, hampering the reputation of the brand.

Hence we have discovered a great strategy to counter all the flaws. And that is – opting to embed a Pinterest board on website. We all know Pinterest is a hub for images and videos, hence providing you with a wide range of visual-based content to showcase on your website. And as Pinterest users keep on posting content regularly, which helps you get regular content for the website. Also, you can use Pinterest widget for showcasing Pinterest posts, and as they stream from the source, it does not affect the website’s speed. 

After knowing how this strategy can turn out to be a game-changer, you must be now eager to know you can embed a Pinterest board on website, right?

There are various ways to adopt this strategy; they are easy and provide great results. But for your comfort, we have listed the simplest and most effective ways.

So without any delay, let’s learn about them.

Simple Ways to Embed Pinterest Board On Website

As mentioned, there are various ways to embed a Pinterest board on the website and here are some simplest strategies from the lot. Even if you do not have any technical background or do not have coding skills or knowledge, you can still adopt these methods.

1. Using social media aggregators

Social media aggregators are amazing tools that help you collect social media feed from various social media platforms. It then allows you to curate and customize the feed before displaying them on the website. In addition, they provide a dedicated Pinterest widget that you can embed on your website. 

All you have to do is collect a Pinterest feed using social media aggregators, generate the embedding code and paste it on the backend of your website. And that is it, with these simple steps you can own a website containing Pinterest posts. 

Alongside easing the embedding process it provides various features that add great value to this tool. Some of the major features that we think might be helpful for you are – 

Customization – This allows you to personalize the widget, changing font size, font style, and making other modifications that you think might enhance the beauty of your widget and website.

Themes and layout – Social media aggregators provide you with various themes and layouts as your option. You can select the one that best suits the vibe and theme of your website. The uniformity on the website looks visually appealing and provides a professional look to the website.

Moderation – this provides you full control over the widget. That means you can decide what post you want to show on the website and what post you want to hide. You can either manually remove the posts or opt for a profanity filter.

Auto-updates – The tool updates the content automatically. There is no need to refresh the feed manually to get all the latest posts. In simple terms, the tool displays the post as soon as it uploads on the platform.

Alongside these features, it also provides other amazing features such as Custom CSS, custom CTA button, analytics, and more. And as these are responsive widgets, there is no need to change display settings as per different devices. Instead, the widget adjusts itself as per different screen types.

2. WordPress plugins

WordPress stands as one of the best website building platforms and often stands as one of the favorites for the business for making their website. It is simple to use and provides amazing plugins that add great functionality to the website and increase its beauty.

So if you have a WordPress website, then you have the facility to use WordPress plugins. Various WordPress plugins offer you the Pinterest feed plugins that enable you to embed Pinterest boards on the website.

While using WordPress plugin, you have to install the plugins, gather the posts and with the help of shortcode, add Pinterest posts on your website. 

Pinterest WordPress plugins offer all the features like social media aggregators majorly. If you are using a WordPress website, then we recommend you to use this technique.

Summing It Up

Increasing the visual appeal of the website can be made simple with the techniques mentioned above. With these techniques, you can easily embed a Pinterest board on website and take your business to the next level. So, what are you waiting for? Try these mentioned techniques now, and adopt the one that best suits your style.


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