Blogging: Don’t believe everything you are told


Last Updated on July 17, 2024 by Team Experts

We all know that blogging is one of the most effective marketing strategies for gaining visibility and exposure for your brand. Those who get into this field may run into some “myths” since many experts and gurus claim to know everything. So we’re going to lift the lid on some of the most common “truths” about blogging. Then you can recognize for yourself what is really effective for blogging and what is not.

Don’t think you need to be a great writer

Many people don’t blog because they think that you have to be a great writer to be a good blogger. This is absolutely not true! Many bloggers are experts in their field but don’t know how to write very well. On the other hand, excellent writers fail to produce web content that is catchy enough to retain readers.

For blogging, the most important thing is to be interesting and arouse readers’ interest, not to be a good writer. Above all, realize that the best bloggers are not necessarily the best writers, but they are the best at communicating.

Don’t think you have to be an expert in your niche

Another common blogging myth is that you have to be an expert on a topic to start a topical blog. Some of the best bloggers are indeed experts in their field, but many others are not. And as long as you can provide valuable and interesting information to your readers, they won’t care whether you’re an expert or not.

Blogging is about giving people relevant information they can use, so don’t let the fear of being an amateur stop you from starting blogging. You can always learn from your content and become an expert over time.

Don’t think more traffic means more money

One of the main targets of blogging is to make money and earn extra income. But what you need to know is that even if you had thousands of visitors, that traffic alone cannot earn you money unless you use it to boost other monetization methods.

In fact, traffic is the first step to being able to monetize your blog. Imagine having a shop with exceptional products, but that no one knows about, you would sell absolutely nothing. This is why traffic is very important. Once this traffic has been acquired by credible content capable of retaining your audience, here is what you can try:

  • Google Adsense
  • Membership
  • Sell your product
  • Coaching

There are several models capable of making you earn money. And I repeat, traffic is only a stepping stone to monetization.

If people see you as a credible, authoritative blogger who shares valuable content, chances are you’re earning more than just search traffic. You’ll build an audience, subscribers, and most importantly, loyal followers. It will come in handy if you want to start a business or monetize your blog in the future.

Don’t think blogging has no impact on your business

If you have a business, you should have no doubts about the impact of a strong blog (if you don’t already have one) on your business. Most people get to know a business through content rather than traditional advertisements in the digital age. Business blogging helps create helpful information about your brand, educate readers on other relevant topics, and ultimately generate leads for your business.

According to statistics from Hubspot (the digital marketing giant), companies that blog and post content to it more than 15 times a month receive five times more traffic than companies that don’t. Additionally, writing a blog once or twice a month can generate up to 70% of leads for B2B companies.

Don’t think a blog without comments is mediocre

Some bloggers stress if they have no (or few) comments on their articles. They assume that readers will rate their articles as mediocre if there are no comments. Certainly, comments are a standard criterion of success for bloggers, as they are considered proof of visibility and appreciation. But to go from there to thinking that a blog post with more comments is better than one that doesn’t is really misused! 

If a blog post has no comments, that doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t have an impact. On the contrary, it could be so complete that no one thought it necessary to comment. Most importantly, comments allow the blogger and audience to communicate better, making them a great tool, but they can’t decide the overall success of a blog.

Don’t think longer articles are boring

Many bloggers believe that readers have short attention spans and don’t dwell on long articles, which is completely false! Publishers are seeing a growing interest in in-depth and longer content.

Writing in-depth articles allows you to approach a topic from multiple angles. You can add examples and give your users all the relevant information they need in a clear and concise manner. Google also appreciates websites that help users, as well as relatively long articles (no less than 1200 words).

Also, according to Hubspot, the optimal length for a blog post is between 2250 and 2500 words. This suggests, logically, that if you create content with the contribution of your content to the user in mind, Google will reward you with higher rankings in search results.

Don’t think the traffic arrives immediately by publishing an article

Hundreds of thousands of blogs are published on the web every day. Your brand new blog magically receiving traffic is slim to non-existent, and traffic does not happen effortlessly, as if by magic.

You need to constantly optimize your blog with fresh and relevant content to get traffic and visibility. In addition, it must comply with the guidelines favored by Google, and this is called SEO (content optimization techniques to increase Google’s esteem and therefore gain visibility). You must be aware of making your blog known, and you must apply strategies which here are the most common:

  • Learn about SEO techniques (even basic, it’s very useful).
  • Share your content on social networks.
  • Develop a content writing plan with specific keywords.
  • Add images and videos to your blog to make it more attractive and engaging.
  • You may use an online photo editor to build your own personalized blog cover and illustration pictures to display your themes. There are thousands of preset templates to select from in these tools.
  • Collaborate with other bloggers.

Getting search traffic takes effort, but the results are well worth it. And once your blog is known, it will be easier to get more audience.

Don’t think you have to use all social networks

Just because multiple social media platforms exist doesn’t mean you have to use them all to monetize your blog (besides, it’s rare to find someone who is 100% present there). Realize that each platform has a specific audience, and your blog topic would be appreciated on some more than others.

For example, Instagram caters to a more visual audience. It is a great platform if your blogging is about fashion and beauty. You can make an Instagram post to promote your blog content. Twitter, meanwhile, is home to trends and entertainment. A tweet about a movie review would do wonders on this platform, where you can share your unique perspective and converse with other like-minded viewers. Facebook is a mosaic of all trends, making it a more difficult social network to exploit.

Caring about its presence on all social networks takes time and requires some know-how, for example, if you want to be on YouTube. Your time is valuable, and you could invest it in copywriting and SEO. It’s better to focus on a single social media platform that is better suited to your chosen topic. A blog on computer maintenance would not make the buzz on Instagram!

Don’t think you have to write every day

The most important thing is to write quality content that your readers will appreciate. If you can do that, you’re well on your way to blogging. Bloggers who focus on quality content and provide value to their readers are the ones who will succeed in the long run.

Some of the top SEO, digital marketing and other experts only have a few articles on their blogs and only publish once or twice a month. But they publish excellent quality articles and explain a concept very well.

So, take the trouble to document yourself well and check the content you want to publish. And by verification, I mean the credibility of your information, the good structuring of the content and a sound language without any spelling mistakes.

Don’t think blogging is dying

Every year, we hear on the web that blogs are dying. Over the years, the types of content to consume have multiplied, including videos, infographics, podcasts, and more. Some people consider blogs to be outdated, but the truth is that they are constantly evolving.

Since its inception, blogging has continued to adapt to the ever-changing marketing and content system structures. And it will continue to do so as long as time permits and digital marketing develops.


There are many blogging myths, but the most important thing to remember is that they are just myths. Write from your heart, be original and share your content on the right platforms. With some effort and time, you can make your blog a real source of income. Don’t be discouraged if your blog doesn’t take off overnight. It takes some time and effort to build a blog.

Read more: An easy Guide to Blogging for Fun or even Profit


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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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