Advertising Policy

As a leading hub for tech enthusiasts and professionals, we are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive insights into the tech world. Whether you’re looking for the technology, marketing advice, business strategies, or software updates, we’ve got you covered.

1. We review the ads.

We maintain sole discretion for determining the types of ads that will be accepted and displayed on Techsprohub. We reserve the right to reject, cancel, or remove any ads at any time and for any reason. We will provide prompt notice to the advertiser upon rejection, cancellation, or removal of any ad, along with an explanation. We also reserve the right to determine the appropriate placement of ads on Techsprohub.

2. We will not accept certain types of ads.

We will not accept any ad that is factually inaccurate and/or, in our opinion, in poor taste. Ads must not contain fraudulent, deceptive, or offensive material, including material that misrepresents, ridicules, or attacks an individual or group on the basis of age, color, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or disability. Ads should not contain defamatory, libelous, slanderous, or threatening information. Ads must not be related to alcohol, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, gambling, pornography, tobacco, political campaigns, or the simulation of news or an emergency. All ads must clearly identify the advertiser. Any ad that could be misconstrued as editorial content will be clearly labeled as an advertisement.

3. We clearly distinguish between sponsored and non­-sponsored content.

Techsprohub seeks sponsorships from trusted and credible research organizations, manufacturers, and other service providers. Sponsorships provide financial benefit to Techsprohub, but also benefit our users by providing current information on Technology, education, digital marketing, and Gadgets. Editorial content sponsored by an advertiser is subject to our editorial policy and is reviewed by our editorial team. When content (sponsored content, co-created content, or branded content) is provided by or influenced by a named sponsor, we take meaningful steps to ensure our users will not confuse that sponsored content with techsprhub own original editorial content. Native advertising refers to links or ads within a piece of content that link to other content. Techsprohub may present advertising messages, advertisements, or sponsored posts in its social media channels.