Last Updated on August 28, 2024 by Team Experts
If you have completed all the basics and you are still not happy with your website’s performance, it is time for a digital marketing strategy tune-up, for these are the glory days of online marketing.
Make Your Website ADA Compliant
About 25% of people have some form of disability that leaves them struggling to use the internet. They may need to use screen readers or other devices. Alternatively, they may need more contrast or bigger text. Follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines guidelines to bring your website into compliance and connect with a whole new set of customers.
Use Schema Markup
Be sure that you have used Schema markup on each of your web pages. This ensures that Google and other search engines know exactly what they will find on that page. It is a free program that is very easy to implement and should be part of your plan to create a digital marketing strategy. Get started today by answering a few simple questions. In some cases, using Schema markup allows customers to see your ratings or find out about upcoming events at your venue right from the search engine page. Therefore, they will be more apt to click through to your site.
Fix Google Penalties
When you open your Google Search Engine Console, you may discover that the company has hit you with a penalty. Since you count on Google to send traffic to your website, you must get these corrected as soon as possible. Understand that you will need to contact Google to explain what caused the situation and what you have done to fix the problem. It is different from watching your website sink in the rankings because Google changed the algorithm.
Penalties given out by Google include:
• Cloaks and Redirects – This shows one page to Google and another one to your viewers. In most cases, you will discover a redirect that you need to remove and may be caused by your CMS software.
• Cloaked Images – This shows one image to Google and another to visitors. A plugin on your site may create it. Find the source and remove it.
• Hidden Text or Keywords – This can happen when your background color and text color are too close together. Make sure that if you write in Word or Google Docs and copy over to your website, only the words you meant to be there appear.
• Spam – Google has said that useless words fill your website.
• Structured Data Errors- This penalty means that you have errors in your Rich Snippet or your Schema Markup.
Thin Content- Pages with little value to people, so make sure that each page adds value to users. Avoid posting content on more than one web page.
Lack of an Organized Navigation Layout
Your website should be easy to navigate. While it makes people who visit your website are more apt to make a purchase, it may also help increase your search engine rankings.
Google may measure how long a visitor is on a site as a sign that people think the site is high quality. Additionally, sites that have good navigation have a lower bounce rate.
Numerous studies show that users on a site with good navigation are more receptive to call-to-actions. Therefore, your conversion rate will likely go up, and your website will start meeting its goals faster. If you’re considering hiring professionals for this, take a look at hiring digital marketing experts.
Website Speed Optimization
Consider these facts related to website speed.
• Over 25% of customers will leave a site in under 4 seconds if it does not appear to be loading.
• Every second of delay causes a 16% reduction in customer satisfaction levels.
• Speeding up your website by 0.1 seconds increases the average basket size by 9.2%.
• Increasing the speed of a luxury brand website by 0.1 seconds increased page views per session by 8.6%.
• Every 0.1 seconds of increased speed equates to raising your conversion rate by 8.4%.
Several different factors may be slowing down your website. Large files and unoptimized images take a long time to load, so consider letting them load after the main content on your page has loaded. If you have too many plugins on your website, it will load slowly, so be highly selective in which ones you use.
Experience the glory days of digital marketing strategy for your business by staying updated with future trends in digital marketing. Consider partnering with the top digital marketing companies to maximize your efforts.