Secret Yet Unique Ways To Get Noticed By Brands On Instagram

It’s no new fact that Instagram has grown exponentially from a basic picture-sharing service into a serious content marketing and audience-building tool with tremendous reach. It has given birth to numerous brands and spawned its share of influencers along the way, allowing people to become self-made social stars. More than 500 million engage with the app daily, and 1 billion people use the app every month. Recently, it has evolved into a booming e-commerce hub with 60% of Instagram users reporting they have come to know about a product or service through the platform by brands on Instagram. 

With over 25 million business profiles existing in the modern-day world, vying for attention has become a perpetual hindrance literally. Amidst all these, the most coveted question asked by everyone who aims to become an influencer is “How do I get noticed by brands on Instagram?” 

If you are also looking for definite answers to the same question, today’s blog post is for you! I have been working with certain reputed brands for over three years now, so I feel quite confident that I can provide you with the best and relevant insight into this topic. Whether you are brand new to the influencer world or a seasoned veteran, this post will surely help you out. It will help you use your posts and stories featured on the page to boost maximum exposure. 

Unique Ways To Get Noticed By A Brand On Instagram 

Brands On Instagram

Create High-Quality Content 

Though this might seem the obvious advice ever, creating high-quality content is the foremost thing you must focus on if your aim is to work with reputed brands. If the words of top digital media assignment makers are anything to go by, then stop using stock photos, stealing images, writing poor and un-engaging captions. Thus, regardless of whether your skills lie in photography or expertise in your niche, remember to show off those skills, girlfriend! 

Embrace your talent and qualities. Show a brand that you are damn good at what you do! And, once you are done developing a cohesive Instagram theme, brands are bound to fall in love with your content and surely want to work with you. 

 Engage With Your Niche Individuals 

Do you know 23.92% of the 4.18 billion active mobile internet users access Instagram monthly, the same number of people that live in Europe and North America combined? Thus, one of the best ways to get your name out there on the highly popular platform is to engage with others. I am strictly speaking of engaging with those in your niche. 

By doing this, you will appear right in front of the brand’s eyes. Refrain from using ‘this is cute’ or ‘you go gal’ comments. Instead, ask questions about the brand they are speaking of, why they believe it’s so good, or show your interest in trying it without being needy. You will be surprised how many Instagram brand partnerships I have earned about just commenting on other people’s shopping hauls! 

Tag The Brands 

A close look at social media assignment help forums will help you understand that if you desire to get on brands’ radar, it becomes essential to tag them. I always go out of my way and beyond to tag as much as possible. Engage on the social channels of the brand. It simply doesn’t matter how many other comments are there. Make sure to comment and show the brand some love too! 

Start Working With Brands  

Can’t believe what you just read? Yes, it’s absolutely true!  Demonstrate to brands that you are eager to work with them. Do not be afraid to work with competitor brands. There is nothing wrong with working with innumerable brands in the same industry. After all, simply like how your content is unique in its own way, each brand  too have their own USPs. 

Be Honest In What You Do 

Go through reputed forums of online social media assignment makers. You will understand irrespective of whether you are commenting on other people’s posts, drafting captions, or sharing ‘behind-the-reel-scenes’, it is important to be authentic in all you do. Brands are noticing all this, and they really appreciate honesty. They want to work with genuine people who always give honest feedback on their products/services. 

Remember, when you speak of products that you really don’t like that much, simply to captivate the attention of the brands, it will do two things- gain their attention and steer them towards the direction of any other Instagrammer that’s not you. And, yes, they will make sure to blacklist you. 

Be Smart With Your Hashtags 

Tags are a great way to invite engagement and interaction, especially if you do homework. Make sure to research the right people and tags to include in your captions. Try to include as many as 30 hashtags in a post. Use these tools to your advantage to make the user experience simpler and more positive by categorizing your content. 

Implement CTAs 

Speaking of CTAs, you will surely want to ensure that these are on every checklist before pushing a post live. It is an impeccable shout-out  that not only communicates what you want your audience to do but act as a unique incentive for your engagement. 

Like, ask a question that kicks off a conversion for followers. You can even use emojis, tags, and statements like “Give this post a like if…” or “Tag a friend who needs this” to drive responses naturally. 

Final Words

Instagram has evolved into a social media powerhouse around the world where brands are only in search of the best content creators. When my followers mention they love my content, it is not that I am doing something super special. However, the way I document and share with my fam is special and unique. That’s my vibe. It is essential to find your vibe. Once you find it, creating content will feel super amazing process. 

Always remember that you are unique. Thus, you have the power and what it takes to build a dope brand that helps you in getting noticed by other brands.

Also read about: Increase your likes on Instagram – The easy tactics to follow


She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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