Tag Software

Why Most VPNs Don’t Work in China

Why Most VPNs Don't Work in China

China’s Great Firewall is infamous for blocking access to major websites and services like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia. Many travelers to China try using Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to bypass the firewall and access restricted content. VPNs are often…

Easy Software Testing Tips Everyone Should Know

Software Testing Tips

Software testing and quality assurance is a time-intensive ordeal. These processes reduce maintenance costs and enhance usability and functionality while ensuring a quality product before going live. It comprises a set of activities whose sole purpose is to find errors…

Appointment Scheduling Software

Appointment Scheduling Software

With the use of an Appointment Scheduler in CRM (customer relationship management) technology, any employee can be automatically informed about their next appointment. Appointment scheduling is one of the most important functions in customer care. When you are running a…