Unique Landing Page Techniques to Boost Conversions

Landing Page Techniques

Last Updated on July 25, 2024 by Team Experts

Did you know that Landing Pages are the workhorses of internet marketing agencies? Have you wondered why your landing page is unsuccessful? After reading this article, you will have an answer about landing pages’ role.

Let’s Dive Into The Landing Page

In simpler terms, a landing page is a designated website containing lead forms to convert visitors into leads. The conversion occurs by asking users for their contact information in exchange for something valuable (offers and giveaways.). Nowadays, users protect their data; therefore, a target-driven and well-crafted page will get anyone to submit their personal information.

Thereby, most online advertising agencies spend an astounding amount of time generating traffic to their website. But what happens if your landing page doesn’t attract prospective clients? Creating a high-quality landing page is undoubtedly a big deal!

It demands more than meaningless graphics, unnecessary writing, and a confusing CTA. Moreover, it is a page that eliminates distractions like navigation or competing links and serves as a guide for visitors.

Understanding The Jargon of Landing Page

a) Landing Page Optimization

A well-optimized landing page isn’t exactly a bed of roses for a marketing agency providing complete website SEO services. The process begins with improving the page performance based on various elements. In addition, it ensures your Internet marketing agency gets the highest possible conversions from visitors attending these targeted pages.

Marketers advocate many strategies to stay visible in today’s competitive world to increase conversions. Optimization is the first issue that businesses address. It’s a subset of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). It can help lower customer acquisition cost and maximize ad spend value with A/B Testing.

b) Landing Page Conversion Rate for an Internet Marketing Agency

The landing page conversion rates are two types of metrics to track business operations. These two metrics are as follows:

  • The number of people who visited your website.
  • The number of individuals converted.

To understand your high-converting landing page reports, you can use platforms like Google Analytics to observe the metrics and performance of your landing pages. So, now that you know what a landing page is let’s cover landing page practices to ensure your pages are set to convert!

How Can You Improve Your Landing Page To Boost Conversion Rates?

There is nothing more frustrating for marketers than low landing page conversion rates, especially when the cause is undetermined. A reasonable landing page conversion rate depends on your goals, CTAs, and product.

1. Improve Page Load Speed

The loading speed significantly affects the website’s traffic. Even a second delay in the loading time can reduce 7% in conversions!

Excessive white spaces, inline styling, bulky code, and large images are some of the factors that may slow down your landing pages.

2. Focus on 1 Call to Action (CTA)

A landing page should include at most one direct CTA. Many CTAs can confuse visitors on what to do next, resulting in fewer leads.

Study shows that one CTA button led to an average conversion rate of 13.5%, while pages with more than one link led to 11.9%.

3. Add Authentic Proof to Pages

When a user visits a landing page, social proof is mainly the leading factor that causes them to register for services or purchase a product.

Social proof defines the idea that people gravitate toward popular things, including testimonials, case studies, and social sharing buttons.

4. Landing Page Must Be Appealing

It takes a few seconds for a website visitor to decide to stay on a particular page. Therefore, it is vital to include multimedia elements to add some life to your page.

You don’t need to overdo the images and videos, but enough to add a simple and subtle design.

5. Optimal Mobile Landing Pages

Research states that mobile users spend twice the time accessing the Internet than desktop users. Therefore, mobile pages need to be streamlined to include crisp sign-up forms.

Beyond making these pages responsive, you should also consider the differences in the way users interact with your website on desktop versus mobile.

6. Reduced Text On Landing Page

Statistics show that less copy on landing pages leads to a conversion rate of 14%. In comparison, the rates decrease to 11% for pages with too much copy.

Cutting short your word count would be ideal. In addition, including essential information in the form of bullets, headers, and large blocks of text could be helpful.

7. Speak To Your Audience

The digital era of buyers demands highly-personalized messages that meet their needs, ensuring to include content that resonates with users’ preferences.

Create a landing page dedicated to each campaign, and only add some things to one.

8. Test

Test your landing page to gauge what is working. Statistics state that businesses using nine or more optimization methods are likely to see far more improvement in conversion rates.

Additionally, companies using a structured approach are likely to see much more progress than companies that don’t.

Landing Page Metrics You Should Track to Increase Conversions

Is your landing page running? Track it! Jokes apart, on a serious note, you should monitor the performance of your campaign by tracking landing page metrics. To follow the results of your landing page campaign, you need to understand the following metrics.

i) Page Visits

How many views are you gathering on your landing page? The more visits, the more probability of conversions. You can improve your paid strategy or redefine your keywords to drive more traffic. Understanding the number of page views can help your business determine which of your visitors are new and returning to the landing page after a previous visit.

ii) Bounce Rate

It measures the percentage of visitors who land on your page without clicking a link or filling out a form. If your copy is engaging, you need to examine it. Do visitors know what to do when landing on your page? A high bounce rate signifies an unclear landing page offer.

iii) Traffic Source

Your SEO marketing agency needs to know where your traffic is coming from – whether sponsored social media ads or email campaigns. In addition, it would help if you remembered where to spend your money in the future.

iv) Conversion Rate

This rate indicates the number of users that have completed the lead form and landed on your ‘thank-you’ page. The landing page equals conversion hubs, like lead forms, downloading an asset, viewing a video, making purchases, and more.

v) Form Abandonment

The metrics show the number of people who have abandoned filling out the form. If the number is high, your form needs a few tweaks, such as new click triggers, shortened forms, or making your offer clear.

vi) Heat Mapping

The metrics can show many people who have scrolled, read, and engaged with your page. Heat mapping is handy when thinking of improvising your page layout and structure.

Designing A Landing Page

The more straightforward definition of ‘design’ includes creativity, colors, and appealing images. Regarding the landing page, we need to add a functional, direction-oriented, and practical design.

a) Landing Page Structure

A suitable landing page format includes five elements: headline, relevant image, lead form, CTA, and copy.

b) Landing Page Layout

Since users don’t read every word and skim through, it is recommended to make important information stand out.

c) Landing Page Colors

The design of your landing page must reflect the colors used for your website. Allow your users to become familiar with your branding colors and unique style.

d) Landing Page Images

Since people process visuals quicker than they do text, you must add images that are relevant to the audience.

Landing Page Copywriting Tips

After designing the landing page, let’s dive into penning down an excellent copy. To write a landing page copy, you should remember for it to be compelling, instructive, likable, effective, trustworthy, and informative.

Need help with how to add all these in one copy? Keep reading.

Cover The Main Points

The landing page should address what your consumer needs more than how unique your brand’s message is. It would help if you focused on writing a copy that offers a solution.

It’s important to touch on the persona’s pain point. To build a trustworthy relationship, illustrate a clear path between the persona’s pain points and your remedy.

Your copy must include features to convert leads, benefits that paint a picture of how their life would be better, and social proof to validate your offer.

Respond to Objections

Before your prospect protests or challenges your copy, address these points. Then, for every statement, add social proof.

Feedback from users can also help you sharpen your copy. Thus, rather than thinking of it as negative comments, seek it out as constructive criticism.

Use Click Triggers

Some practical call-to-action triggers could be ‘money-back guarantee,’ ‘easy unsubscribe,’ ‘happy customer review,’ ‘price slashing,’ ‘what to expect,’ and others.

You should be creative and relevant to your target market concerning click triggers, as they help give your conversions the boost they need.

Landing Page Best Practices

Create Appealing Headlines

For every user visiting your landing page, 70% bounce off the page if they are still looking for what they need in a few seconds. When the user lands on a page, the headline is the first thing they read. Thereby, it is vital for the headline to be clear and concisely communicated to add value.

Choose Visually Appealing Images

The objective of your image added to the landing page is to convey your feelings to the target audience. Hence, the added picture illustrates your visitor’s feelings after receiving the offer.

Write Engaging Copy

Ideate words that will sell your CTA (call-to-action). i.e., the content of your copy needs to be clear and concise. In addition, it must guide visitors to the action they wish to complete. Finally, a compelling copy allows direct communication with the user by using ‘you’ or ‘your’ to make it engaging.

Inclusion of Lead Form

The lead form on the landing page should be accessible to your prospect wishing to convert immediately. It is best to avoid making your users search your landing page to find the offer.

Addition of a CTA

The critical element of a landing page is Call-to-Action. Therefore, it is essential to stand out in terms of color and phrases.

Give Relevant Offer

Your landing page is your user’s journey to the ultimate offer (your product/ service). Your business must give users a compelling offer in return for their data. Therefore, the proposal needs to be relevant to your business.

Ask What You Need

Depending on the following factors, asking for as little information as possible from your leads and your questions is better.

  • How well are your users acquainted with your brand/ business?
  • Where is a user at on his phase of the buyer’s journey?
  • How much do your consumers trust you?

Remove Navigation

Your landing page has one aim, i.e., to convert visitors into leads. Therefore, any competing links, such as internal links, must not be added as they turn out to be a distraction.

Optimize For Search

A landing page must be optimized with targeted keywords for your paid campaigns and organic search. Whether the user is searching for your keyword phrase or you are publishing an ad, keywords help users to search efficiently.

Use A Thank You Page

A thank you page allows your brand to serve to

  • Deliver the offer you promised with proven evidence.
  • It allows interesting your new leads in additional content.
  • It serves as an opportunity to thank them for their interest.


To err is human; thus, there are better solutions than feeling frustrated with your landing page’s conversion rate. Nevertheless, the landing page accounts for a significant chunk of your new leads, so they demand your attention.

As long as you follow the techniques mentioned above to boost conversions, your SEO marketing agency is on its way to creating a landing page that converts. We’re always here as a resource for additional guidance on landing page design strategies.

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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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