Is Ruby on Rails Software Development Still Valid in 2023?

Rails Software Development

Last Updated on November 3, 2022 by Team Experts

There are numerous programming languages that help a premium software development company in delivering exceptional software products customized as per individual needs. Technology evolves, and so do the needs of consumers. Keeping this in mind, developers tend to use a framework that can support the requirements of the end users. 

Ask any developer about their choice of a favorite language. Apart from naming the prevalent Java, C++, and Python, they will also add Ruby on Rails to the list. Even though there are many other proven and evolved languages, Ruby on Rails software development has become a trend. 

Although far behind its competitors, such as Java, PHP, Python, R, and more, it still ranks in the top 20 TIOBE index list of October 2022. It is used by many reputed global organizations such as Twitter, Crunchbase, GitHub, Shopify, Etsy, Airbnb, Hulu, Slideshare, and more. 

Despite having proved its utility, critics seldom doubt its credibility. As a result, many ask, “Is Ruby on Rails Dead”? It’s time to face the myth and highlight the reality of the capabilities of the RoR.

Misconceptions Surrounding Ruby on Rails for Web Development

Ruby on Rails is amongst the most popular solutions for an enterprise software development company. Despite that, the language is surrounded by many myths. Let us have a look at a few.

  1. Ruby on Rails is Slow:
  • A few critics of the language state that the language is slow. The fact is partially true. The framework was designed for better productivity and performance rather than speed. However, the latest versions have been optimized for better CPU performance and memory.
  • A trusted software development company can benefit from its built-in task features like configuring files, file structure, database, and communication between codes. The automated framework also offers in-built testing features to save time. 
  1. Ruby on Rails Web Development is Costly:
  • Ruby on Rails is an open-source framework; therefore, it can be accessed for free. In addition, it has a well-established community that provides reliable resources and support to developers for modern application development requirements.
  • A credible Ruby on Rails company can provide you with the actual estimated figure for your application development. In addition, a good developer can suggest a cost-efficient mechanism for RoR development.
  1. Ruby on Rails is not Scalable:
  • This is just a myth. Ruby on Rails allows developers to build software applications with isolated services. However, it is essential to use the best skills and experience to ensure that the development cycle runs smoothly. 
  • Scalability comes at a cost. It may slow down the applications. Therefore, you must hire a Ruby on Rails development company that can manage multiple feature requirements and build a secure and scalable application.

Benefits of Using Ruby on Rails for Web Development

  1. Easy Updates:
  • One of the most significant advantages of Ruby on Rails is that it supports frequent changes to the codes. As a result, developers know that the project may see extensive changes during the life cycle.
  • Ruby simplifies such changes and helps the business with simple solutions. RoR also helps organizations plan to scale their operations in the future. The applications can be grown easily to meet the company’s changing demand and growth trajectory. 
  1. Security:
  • Ruby is considered amongst the most secure languages. Ruby on Rails consulting companies emphasize the language’s intense focus on the safety of applications.
  • The language holds all objects based on reference rather than value to avoid any data being stolen or overwritten. In addition, the environment allows companies to ensure that information stays away from outside parties.
  1. Faster Processing:
  • Ruby is easier to code on as compared to other languages. The language has multi-threading or native thread support, which helps a Ruby on Rails framework development company work on multiple programs without affecting the system.
  • Ruby facilitates rapid operations due to its portability. In addition, the portability of the language ensures that it can run on any operating system platform.
  1. Open Source and Consistency
  • Ruby on Rails is an open-source framework. This means that it is available free of cost. It also comes with a reliable open-source library. The language gives the feasibility to share their codes with other programmers. The network helps young developers to learn and grow.
  • The syntax of RoR is very consistent. This allows the developers to create programs without going through a significant learning curve.

Where is Ruby on Rails Used?

As per BuiltWith, there are 3,738,234 websites made using Ruby on Rails framework. Here are some of the applications of the Ruby on Rails framework –

  1. E-commerce Applications and Websites:
    • There are several Ruby on Rails ecommerce platforms running successfully. E-commerce companies, such as Shopify, use it as it offers multiple tools.
  1. FinTech Applications:
    • Ruby on Rails helps to deliver the most complex FinTech projects on time. In addition, it allows the security concerns of FinTech applications. Squareup payment systems and Fundera are leading examples of RoR-based FinTech platforms.
  1. SaaS Projects:
    • SaaS projects are on the rise. Ruby on Rails keeps the complications in check for developing a robust website or an application. Ruby is suitable for rapid, secure, and affordable application SaaS projects. 
  1. Live- streaming Applications:
    • Live-streaming applications have picked up pace in recent years. Applications like Twitch are a prime example of how successful Ruby on rails can be with live streaming applications. 
  1. Social Media Applications:
    • Ruby has several perfect use cases when it comes to social media applications. Twitter is one of the most famous examples. Besides, RoR has been used by social media websites such as Dribble and Basecamp. 

Conclusion: Is Ruby on Rails Dead?

Ruby on Rails is far from Dead. Unfortunately, many myths and rumors tend to create an environment of disarray around Ruby on Rails software development. Nevertheless, Ruby on Rails has changed how developers perceive web and app development.

While Ruby on Rails may not be very suitable for rapid development, it is a good option for custom applications where productivity and performance are the top priority. Ruby is ideal for developing robust and complex applications. In addition, it is a powerful tool for creating MVPs for startups, meeting new business requirements, and deploying solutions at large companies.

Ruby on Rails is a preference amongst many developers and has a long way to go in the future. 

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Anil is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable person who is a Technology evangelist. He's always been fascinated at work especially at innovation that causes benefit to the students, working professionals or the companies. Being unique and thinking Innovative is what he loves the most, supporting his thoughts he will be ahead for any change valuing social responsibility with a reprising innovation. His interest in various fields and the urge to explore, led him to find places to put himself to work and design things than just learning. Follow him on LinkedIn

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