What are the Differences: Insomnia vs Narcolepsy

Insomnia vs Narcolepsy

Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by Team Experts

Sleep issues are very common today irrespective of gender and age group! The disorders result in a lack of sleep at night or daytime and need to be treated early for quick solutions. Insomnia and Narcolepsy are two sleeping disorders that lower the overall productivity of individuals. They are easy to confuse and the wrong medication can lead to further complications in your sleep. 

Let us first break the both in simple language – Insomnia is making it hard for people to stay or fall asleep and Narcolepsy is referred to as sleep disruptions at night. Both have some similarities and differences that should be known to avoid confusion in the handling of cases. 

Are you feeling sleepy during the daytime? Both Narcolepsy & Insomnia have these kinds of tendencies and thus the individual needs to be cautious in taking the decision on possible treatment. Talk with your doctor if you face sleep troubles at night and are tired during the daytime. The blog describes the difference between the two so that you identify the specific sleep trouble early for instant solutions. 

One of the vital reasons behind the occurrence of both disorders is the controlled release of chemical messengers like Orexin in the human body. Insomnia is related to the release of a high amount of Orexin and Narcolepsy is linked to the inappropriate release of Orexin. An individual can confront both sleep disorders and thus it needs to be dealt with a heavy hand.

Let us dig deep into understanding the difference between the two………

Fact-Checks Related to Narcolepsy – What is It?

Narcolepsy is the type of sleep concern characterized by excessive or persistent sleep during day shifts. It results in a lowering of overall productivity and the chances of serious accidents rise. If you feel sleepy during the daytime then the chances of Insomnia are very real. It causes the individual to stay awake at night and also wake up early in the morning. 

Our brain follows regular sleep patterns to energize the human body and un-time sleepiness is the main indication of this type of sleep disorder. The two types of Narcolepsy are – Narcolepsy Type 1 and Narcolepsy Type 2. The first kind of sleep disorder is having the symptoms of cataplexy (referred to as losing muscle tone). It is diagnosed in individuals with low rates of hypocretin-1, the chemical that is controlling wakefulness in the human body. The latter does not relate to the release of low hypocretin-1 or cataplexy. 

Fact-Checks Related to Insomnia – What is It?

Insomnia is among the highly confronted sleep disorders that indicate trouble sleeping. It is the kind of state in which the person experiences disruptions in the way they function because of less sleep. The sleep disorder is not dangerous but qualifies for specific medical care – including medicines & psychological health treatments. 

There are two types of Insomnia – Acute & Chronic insomnia that needs specific attention. Acute insomnia can be resolved with a little bit of medical and therapy assistance. Chronic insomnia is a severe trouble that involves sleeping issues for three or more days in a week. Individuals with chronic insomnia are also reporting troubles in daytime functioning, anxiety, irritability, and less focus on tasks. 

The Key Differences Between Insomnia and Narcolepsy 

The symptoms and treatment of both sleep disorders are quite similar. It is vital to understand the difference between the two so that the right treatment procedures can be incorporated for suitable outcomes. Both of them make the individual feel like sleeping during daytime activities, but with Narcolepsy the degree of sleepiness is very high and can even lead to accidents.

A detailed discussion of the differences –

Insomnia vs Narcolepsy Causes 

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder affecting the brain’s ability to continue with the usual sleep-wake patterns. It is still hard to indicate the main causes of the disorder but mainly refers to the reduction of brain cells developing Orexin. Some kind of traumatic brain injury or illness leads to a reduction of Orexin production in brain cells and thus finds trouble in regulating wakefulness. 

Insomnia is mainly due to factors like a higher amount of nicotine use, caffeine, bad sleep hygiene, use of antidepressants, and others. Sleep apnea is also one of the primary reasons behind the occurrence of Insomnia and needs to be treated using proven techniques. 

Insomnia vs Narcolepsy Symptoms 

The main Narcolepsy symptoms include extreme daytime sleep, inability to move or sleep due to sleep paralysis, loss of muscle control, trouble staying asleep, hallucinations, and others. 

Insomnia symptoms include –waking up untimely from sleep, issues with memory power, worktime fatigue, waking early in the day, and others. A quick discussion with the health expert will help understand the symptoms in minute detail. 

Insomnia vs Narcolepsy Treatments 

The top solution for Narcolepsy treatment will be to contact a medical expert able to guide you with quick solutions. They suggest tests like multiple sleep latency tests or Nocturnal polysomnograms to check the present condition of the individual.

The reduction of underlying causes is leading to the fixing of insomnia troubles early. Some changes in lifestyle habits will ensure control of sleep disorders. It includes reduction of alcohol & smoking habits, stopping of caffeine consumption, not using gadgets for longer timelines, sleeping in darkness, and favored consultation with medical experts. 

Final Thoughts! 

Both Narcolepsy and Insomnia are having common indications that need to be looked into for planned solutions. These common sleep disorders address sleeping concerns and assist to return in normal sleep cycles. The symptoms of both sleep disorders overlap and thus finding solutions for sleeping troubles will result in instant treatment. Make wise decisions related to fixing sleep disorders so that the best results can be fetched from the treatment. 

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